This book was written for an introductory one-term course in probability. It is intended to provide the minimum background in probability that is necessary for students interested in applications to engineering and the sciences. Although it is aimed primarily at upperclassmen and beginning graduate students, the only prere quisite is the standard calculus course usually required of under graduates in engineering and science. Most beginning students will have some intuitive notions of the meaning of probability based on experiences involving, for example, games of chance. This book develops...
This book was written for an introductory one-term course in probability. It is intended to provide the minimum background in probability that is nece...
This book was written as a first treatment of statistical com munication theory and communication systems at a senior graduate level. The only formal prerequisite is a knowledge of ele mentary calculus; however, some familiarity with linear systems and transform theory will be helpful. Chapter 1 is introductory and contains no substantial techni cal material. Chapter 2 is an elementary introduction to probability theory at a nonrigorous and non abstract level. It is essential to the remainder of the book but may be skipped (or reviewed has tily) by any student who has taken a one-semester...
This book was written as a first treatment of statistical com munication theory and communication systems at a senior graduate level. The only formal ...