The "raison d'etre" of hierarchical dustering theory stems from one basic phe- nomenon: This is the notorious non-transitivity of similarity relations. In spite of the fact that very often two objects may be quite similar to a third without being that similar to each other, one still wants to dassify objects according to their similarity. This should be achieved by grouping them into a hierarchy of non-overlapping dusters such that any two objects in ne duster appear to be more related to each other than they are to objects outside this duster. In everyday life, as well as in essentially...
The "raison d'etre" of hierarchical dustering theory stems from one basic phe- nomenon: This is the notorious non-transitivity of similarity relations...
In this exciting and rapid development reflecting book twelve of the participants at the Symposium "From Simple Material Systems to Complex Ones" - "From Information to Structure" give a general view of todays knowledge with respect to multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in chemistry and science in general. How to analyse e. g. non-covalent interactions in the case of molecular recognitions or selfreplication, how to build up e. g. clusters and self-assembled molecules or how, in general, a knowledge of simple systems, acquired by the instruments of natural science research can be...
In this exciting and rapid development reflecting book twelve of the participants at the Symposium "From Simple Material Systems to Complex Ones" - "F...
In diesem Buch setzen sich renommierte Wissenschaftler wie Herbert W. Franke, Wolfgang Dahmen, Achim Bachem, Heinz-Otto Peitgen oder Frieder Nake aus der jeweils unterschiedlichen Sicht ihres Fachgebietes mit dem Thema auseinander. Erleben wir den Beginn eines visuellen Zeitalters? Technisch erzeugte Bilder pragen die alltaglichen Formen moderner Unterhaltung ebenso wie sie in Wissenschaft und Forschung zur Quelle neuer Erkenntnis werden."
In diesem Buch setzen sich renommierte Wissenschaftler wie Herbert W. Franke, Wolfgang Dahmen, Achim Bachem, Heinz-Otto Peitgen oder Frieder Nake aus ...