The decomposition of the space L2 (G(Q)G(A)), where G is a reductive group defined over Q and A is the ring of adeles of Q, is a deep problem at the intersection of number and group theory. Langlands reduced this decomposition to that of the (smaller) spaces of cuspidal automorphic forms for certain subgroups of G. This book describes this proof in detail. The starting point is the theory of automorphic forms, which can also serve as a first step toward understanding the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. To make the book reasonably self-contained, the authors also provide essential background in...
The decomposition of the space L2 (G(Q)G(A)), where G is a reductive group defined over Q and A is the ring of adeles of Q, is a deep problem at the i...
This book grew out of seminar held at the University of Paris 7 during the academic year 1985-86. The aim of the seminar was to give an exposition of the theory of the Metaplectic Representation (or Weil Representation) over a p-adic field. The book begins with the algebraic theory of symplectic and unitary spaces and a general presentation of metaplectic representations. It continues with exposes on the recent work of Kudla (Howe Conjecture and induction) and of Howe (proof of the conjecture in the unramified case, representations of low rank). These lecture notes contain several original...
This book grew out of seminar held at the University of Paris 7 during the academic year 1985-86. The aim of the seminar was to give an exposition of ...
Ce travail en deux volumes donne la preuve de la stabilisation de la formule des trace tordue.
Stabiliser la formule des traces tordue est la methode la plus puissante connue actuellement pour comprendre l'action naturelle du groupe des points adeliques d'un groupe reductif, tordue par un automorphisme, sur les formes automorphes de carre integrable de ce groupe. Cette comprehension se fait en reduisant le probleme, suivant les idees de Langlands, a des groupes plus petits munis d'un certain nombre de donnees auxiliaires; c'est ce que l'on appelle les donnees endoscopiques....
Ce travail en deux volumes donne la preuve de la stabilisation de la formule des trace tordue.