This book is based on the conference "EMU and the Outside World," held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), December 11, 1998. The conference was organized by the Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF), which is supported jointly by the ETH and the Swiss Society for Business Cycle Research (SGK), an organization comprising representatives from private industry, the Swiss National Bank and public authorities. On the eve of the final stage of European Economic and Mone tary Union (EMU), Zurich seemed to be a particularly appropriate place for such a conference. On the...
This book is based on the conference "EMU and the Outside World," held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), December 11, 1998. The conf...
This book is based on the conference "EMU and the Outside World," held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), December 11, 1998. The conference was organized by the Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF), which is supported jointly by the ETH and the Swiss Society for Business Cycle Research (SGK), an organization comprising representatives from private industry, the Swiss National Bank and public authorities. On the eve of the final stage of European Economic and Mone tary Union (EMU), Zurich seemed to be a particularly appropriate place for such a conference. On the...
This book is based on the conference "EMU and the Outside World," held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), December 11, 1998. The conf...
'If you give a man a fISh, he will have a single meal. If you teach him how to fish, he will eat all his life. ' Diese alte Weisheit ist das Motto dieses Einfiihrungskurses in die Methoden der empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung. Inhaltlich entspricht der Text einer fiir a11e Studierenden der Richtung Volkswirtschaftslehre obligatorischen vierstiin digen Vorlesung mit mungen an der Hochschule St. Gallen. Wiinsche und Interessen der Horer sind ebenso in den Text eingeflossen wie die Erfahrun gen mit denjenigen Studierenden, die a priori auch nicht die geringste Motiva tion zeigen, sich mit den...
'If you give a man a fISh, he will have a single meal. If you teach him how to fish, he will eat all his life. ' Diese alte Weisheit ist das Motto die...