Equality is the endangered species of political ideals. Even left-of-center politicians reject equality as an ideal: government must combat poverty, they say, but need not strive that its citizens be equal in any dimension. In his new book Ronald Dworkin insists, to the contrary, that equality is the indispensable virtue of democratic sovereignty. A legitimate government must treat all its citizens as equals, that is, with equal respect and concern, and, since the economic distribution that any society achieves is mainly the consequence of its system of law and policy, that requirement...
Equality is the endangered species of political ideals. Even left-of-center politicians reject equality as an ideal: government must combat poverty...
The book contains twelve essays by Stephen Holmes, Frances M. Kamm, Maria Ludassy, Steven Lukes, Gyorgy Markus, Andras Sajo, Gaspar Miklos Tamas, Andrew Arato, Timothy Garton Ash, Bela Greskovits, Will Kymlicka, and Aleksander Smolar. The studies explore a wide scope of subjects that belong to disciplines ranging from moral philosophy, through theory of human rights, democratic transition, constitutionalism, to political economy. The common denominator of the studies collected is their reference to the scholarly output of Janos Kis, in honor of his sixtieth birthday. Janos Kis is a...
The book contains twelve essays by Stephen Holmes, Frances M. Kamm, Maria Ludassy, Steven Lukes, Gyorgy Markus, Andras Sajo, Gaspar Miklos Tamas, Andr...
How should a judge's moral convictions bear on his judgments about what the law is? Lawyers, sociologists, philosophers, politicians, and judges all have answers to that question: these range from "nothing" to "everything." In Justice in Robes, Ronald Dworkin argues that the question is much more complex than it has often been taken to be and charts a variety of dimensions--semantic, jurisprudential, and doctrinal--in which law and morals are undoubtedly interwoven. He restates and summarizes his own widely discussed account of these connections, which emphasizes the sovereign...
How should a judge's moral convictions bear on his judgments about what the law is? Lawyers, sociologists, philosophers, politicians, and judges all h...
A collection of essays that discuss almost all of the great constitutional issues of the last two decades, including abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, homosexuality, pornography and free speech.
A collection of essays that discuss almost all of the great constitutional issues of the last two decades, including abortion, euthanasia, capital pun...
The Constitution is America's moral sail, and we must hold to the courage of the conviction that fills it, a conviction that we can all be equal citizens of a moral republic. That is a noble faith, and only optimism can redeem it. So writes Ronald Dworkin in the introduction to this characteristically robust and provocative new book in which Dworkin argues the fidelity to the constitution and to law demands that judges make contemporary judgements backed on political morality, and why it encourages, or ought to encourage, an open display of the true grounds of judgement. The book discusses...
The Constitution is America's moral sail, and we must hold to the courage of the conviction that fills it, a conviction that we can all be equal citiz...
New York Institute for the Hum Dworkin Ronald Dworkin
The articles in this volume are diverse, each article can be taken as representative of 'humanistic understanding' of its stated subject and based upon lectures given under the auspices of the New York Institute for the Humanities.
The articles in this volume are diverse, each article can be taken as representative of 'humanistic understanding' of its stated subject and based upo...
Ronald Dworkin ist einer der herausragenden Philosophen, dessen Arbeiten zum Egalitarismus nur noch durch das Werk von John Rawls übertroffen werden. Mit Was ist Gleichheit? liegen nun zentrale Texte Dworkins erstmals in deutscher Sprache vor. Sie entwickeln eine Theorie der Ressourcengleichheit, der zufolge eine Gesellschaft dann gerecht ist, wenn in ihr alle Ressourcen gleich verteilt sind. Dies bedeutet für Dworkin nicht, daß alle Menschen das gleiche Niveau an Wohlstand oder Lebenszufriedenheit erlangen können oder daß dies überhaupt wünschenswert wäre. Zwar sollte ein Staat...
Ronald Dworkin ist einer der herausragenden Philosophen, dessen Arbeiten zum Egalitarismus nur noch durch das Werk von John Rawls übertroffen werden....
When the Cold War ended, some people called it the end of history. Capitalism and liberal democracy had prevailed. Later, when the West clashed with radical Islam, Americans realized history hadn t ended after all at least not abroad. Now, in How Marx Can Save American Capitalism, Ronald W. Dworkin shows us that even the home front is in play and capitalism and liberal democracy are threatened. Dworkin uses Karl Marx to tip the balance in their favor a paradox, as Marx was the sworn enemy of capitalism and liberal democracy, but also logical, as Marx knew the weak spots in capitalism and...
When the Cold War ended, some people called it the end of history. Capitalism and liberal democracy had prevailed. Later, when the West clashed with r...