Criticas da obra: "Uma provocante critica a extracao contemporanea dos recursos (talvez mais adequadamente, "exploracao" dos recursos) na Africa Subsariana. Na sua convincente analise, e em momentos abrasadora, Bassey apresenta uma critica cativante e abrangente da crise social e ambiental que se vive na Africa" - Chatham House "De escravos a diamantes e passando pelo petroleo, ha muito que os paises mais consumistas tem vindo a pilhar a Africa a seu bel-prazer. Bassey explica muito bem como tudo isso tem vindo a acontecer, frisando bem o que procura a Africa: Justica. Leia a obra e junte-se...
Criticas da obra: "Uma provocante critica a extracao contemporanea dos recursos (talvez mais adequadamente, "exploracao" dos recursos) na Africa Subsa...
The worst form of slavery is to willingly offer yourself on the auction block, get bought and pretend you are free. This is what participation in the mechanism called Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) is. This publication by the No REDD in Africa Network aims to demystify REDD and REDD-type projects, and all their variants, and show them for what they are: unjust mechanisms designed to usher in a new phase of colonization of the Africa continent. From examples presented, it is clear that REDD is a scam and the polluters know that they are buying the "right"...
The worst form of slavery is to willingly offer yourself on the auction block, get bought and pretend you are free. This is what participation in the ...
The essays here contribute to developing and deepening an understanding of the ecological challenges ravaging Nigeria, Africa and our world today. They illustrate the global nature of these terrors. These essays are not meant just to enable for coffee table chatter: they are intended as calls to action, as a means of encouraging others facing similar threats to share their experiences.
Set out in seven sections, this book of 54 essays deals with deep ecological changes taking place primarily in Nigeria but with clear linkages to changes elsewhere in the world. The essays are laid...
The essays here contribute to developing and deepening an understanding of the ecological challenges ravaging Nigeria, Africa and our world today. ...
La pire forme d'esclavage consiste a se vendre aux encheres de plein gre, se faire acheter et ensuite faire semblant d'etre libre. C'est ce a quoi revient la participation au mecanisme REDD (Reduction des emissions liees au deboisement et a la degradation des forets). La presente publication du Reseau Pas de REDD en Afrique (No REDD in Africa Network) a pour but de demystifier les REDD et toutes leurs variantes, et de montrer ce qu'ils sont vraiment: des mecanismes injustes concus pour lancer une nouvelle phase de colonisation du continent africain. Les exemples presentes demontrent...
La pire forme d'esclavage consiste a se vendre aux encheres de plein gre, se faire acheter et ensuite faire semblant d'etre libre. C'est ce a quoi rev...