Sparse, engaging fiction by one of Germany's most original young writers. "The Old Child & Other Stories" introduces in English one of Germany's most original and brilliant young authors, Jenny Erpenbeck. Written in spare, highly concentrated language, "a sustained feat of verbal economy" ("Die Zeit"), the one novella and four stories in "The Old Child" go beyond the limits of the expected, the real. Dark, serious, often mystical, these marvelous fictions about women's lives provide glimpses into the minds of outcasts and eccentrics, at the same time bearing out Dostoevsky's comment that...
Sparse, engaging fiction by one of Germany's most original young writers. "The Old Child & Other Stories" introduces in English one of Germany's m...
A searing novella about coming of age in a land of tyranny, by one of Germany's most brilliant young authors. In "The Book of Words," Jenny Erpenbeck captures with amazing virtuosity the inner life of a young girl who survives the totalitarian regime of a curiously unnamed South American country (most likely Argentina during it "dirty war"). Raised by parents whose real identity ends up shocking her, the girl comes of age in a country where gunshots are mistaken for blown tires, innocent citizens are dragged off buses, and tortured and disappeared friends and family return to visit her...
A searing novella about coming of age in a land of tyranny, by one of Germany's most brilliant young authors. In "The Book of Words," Jenny Erpenb...
A house on the forested bank of a Brandenburg lake outside Berlin (once belonging to Erpenbeck s grandparents) is the focus of this compact, beautiful novel. Encompassing over one hundred years of German history, from the nineteenth century to the Weimar Republic, from World War II to the Socialist German Democratic Republic, and finally reunification and its aftermath, Visitation offers the life stories of twelve individuals who seek to make their home in this one magical little house. The novel breaks into the everyday life of the house and shimmers through it, while relating the passions...
A house on the forested bank of a Brandenburg lake outside Berlin (once belonging to Erpenbeck s grandparents) is the focus of this compact, beautiful...
Winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the Hans Fallada Prize, The End of Days, by the acclaimed German writer Jenny Erpenbeck, consists essentially of five -books, - each leading to a different death of the same unnamed female protagonist. How could it all have gone differently?--the narrator asks in the intermezzos. The first chapter begins with the death of a baby in the early twentieth-century Hapsburg Empire. In the next chapter, the same girl grows up in Vienna after World War I, but a pact she makes with a young man leads to a second death. In the next...
Winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the Hans Fallada Prize, The End of Days, by the acclaimed German writer Jenny Erpenbe...
Rein zufällig kommt Richard auf dem Berliner Oranienplatz in Kontakt mit jungen Asylsuchenden, die dort protestieren, denn: Sie dürfen nicht arbeiten. Bis ihre Anträge bewilligt sind, zwingt sie das Gesetz zur Untätigkeit. Doch wie lassen sich die andauernde Wartezeit und der Stillstand ertragen? Was trieb diese Menschen dazu, unter Lebensgefahr ihre Heimat zu verlassen, ein neues Leben in Europa zu suchen?
Richard sucht die Begegnung mit den jungen Afrikanern und Antworten auf seine Fragen. Der Beginn einer erstaunlichen, bewegenden und auch konfliktreichen Annäherung zweier Welten.
Rein zufällig kommt Richard auf dem Berliner Oranienplatz in Kontakt mit jungen Asylsuchenden, die dort protestieren, denn: Sie dürfen nicht arbeite...