Where did SARS come from? Have we inherited genes from Neanderthals? How do plants use their internal clock? The genomic revolution in biology enables us to answer such questions. But the revolution would have been impossible without the support of powerful computational and statistical methods that enable us to exploit genomic data. Many universities are introducing courses to train the next generation of bioinformaticians: biologists fluent in mathematics and computer science, and data analysts familiar with biology. This readable and entertaining book, based on successful taught courses,...
Where did SARS come from? Have we inherited genes from Neanderthals? How do plants use their internal clock? The genomic revolution in biology enables...
This book provides professionals with a large selection of algorithms, kernels and solutions ready for implementation and suitable for standard pattern discovery problems in fields such as bioinformatics, text analysis and image analysis. It also serves as an introduction for students and researchers to the growing field of kernel-based pattern analysis, demonstrating with examples how to handcraft an algorithm or a kernel for a new specific application, and covering all the necessary conceptual and mathematical tools to do so.
This book provides professionals with a large selection of algorithms, kernels and solutions ready for implementation and suitable for standard patter...
Nell'estate del 1914 l'Austria-Ungheria ha appena imboccato la strada che la condurra alla catastrofe. Nella remota citta turistica di Gorizia la mobilitazione inizia in agosto e coinvolge anche la contessa Lucy Christalnigg, pilota di automobili in missione per conto della Croce Rossa. Durante il viaggio tra Klagenfurt e Gorizia, la contessa incontra un tragico destino. Dopo 100 anni questo racconto riporta alla luce un fatto di cronaca che all'epoca aveva suscitato grande scalpore ma che fu subito dimenticato a causa del disastroso conflitto. Questa e la storia vera della prima vittima...
Nell'estate del 1914 l'Austria-Ungheria ha appena imboccato la strada che la condurra alla catastrofe. Nella remota citta turistica di Gorizia la mobi...
Resnična zgodba - Bilo je poleti leta 1914, ko je Avstro-Ogrska ravnokar krenila po poti, ki jo bo pripeljala do katastrofe. V oddaljenem turističnem mestu Gorici se mobilizacija prične avgusta. V njo je vključena tudi grofica Lucy Christalnigg, voznica avtomobilov na misiji za Rdeči kri . Med vo njo po cesti, ki povezuje Celovec in Gorico, grofica naleti na tragično usodo. Eno stoletje pozneje ta pripoved osvetljuje pomemben zgodovinski dogodek, ki je v tistem času dvignil veliko prahu, vendar je bil zaradi pogubnega konflikta takoj pozabljen. Poslednje...
Resnična zgodba - Bilo je poleti leta 1914, ko je Avstro-Ogrska ravnokar krenila po poti, ki jo bo pripeljala do katastrofe. V oddaljenem turisti...
The Last Summer Story of Lucy Christalnigg and the End of a World BY Nello Cristianini A True Story - It is the summer of 1914 and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has just taken the road which will lead to its ruin. In the remote resort town of Gorizia, general mobilisation starts in August, and involves also Countess Lucy Christalnigg, racing car driver, on a mission for the Red Cross. During the journey between Klagenfurt and Gorizia the Countess meets her tragic fate, while the world is sliding into war. After 100 years, this story brings back to life a forgotten episode which had caused great...
The Last Summer Story of Lucy Christalnigg and the End of a World BY Nello Cristianini A True Story - It is the summer of 1914 and the Austro-Hungaria...
Der letzte Sommer Die Geschichte von Lucy Christalnigg und vom Ende einer Welt Eine wahre Geschichte Im Sommer 1914 hat Osterreich-Ungarn soeben den Weg eingeschlagen, der unweigerlich zur Katastrophe fuhren wird. Im abgelegenen Urlaubsort Gorz beginnt im August die Mobilmachung. Davon betroffen ist auch Grafin Lucy Christalnigg, eine Rennfahrerin, die im Auftrag des Roten Kreuzes unterwegs ist. Wahrend der Reise von Klagenfurt nach Gorz ereilt ein tragisches Schicksal die Grafin. Nach 100 Jahren bringt diese Erzahlung ein Ereignis wieder ans Tageslicht, das seinerzeit grosses Aufsehen erregt...
Der letzte Sommer Die Geschichte von Lucy Christalnigg und vom Ende einer Welt Eine wahre Geschichte Im Sommer 1914 hat Osterreich-Ungarn soeben den W...