The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, one of the world's most prestigious institutions. Faculty at the College give public lectures, in which they present works-in-progress on any subject of their choosing. Foucault's wide-ranging lectures influenced his groundbreaking works like The History of Sexuality and Discipline and Punish. In the lectures comprising this volume, Foucault focuses on how the "self" and the "care of the self" were convinced during the period of antiquity, beginning with Socrates. The...
The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, one of the world's most ...
The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, where faculty give public lectures on any topic of their choosing. Attended by thousands, Foucault's lectures were seminal events in the world of French letters, and his ideas expressed there remain benchmarks of contemporary critical inquiry.
Foucault's wide-ranging lectures at this school, delivered throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, clearly influenced his groundbreaking books, especially The History of Sexuality and Discipline and...
The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, where faculty ...
In this new addition to the College de France Lecture Series Michel Foucault explores the birth of psychiatry, examining Western society's division of 'mad' and 'sane' and how medicine and law influenced these attitudes. This seminal new work by a leading thinker of the modern age opens new vistas within historical and philosophical study.
In this new addition to the College de France Lecture Series Michel Foucault explores the birth of psychiatry, examining Western society's division of...
This book derives from Foucault's lectures at the College de France between January and April 1978, which can be seen as a radical turning point in his thought. Focusing on 'bio-power', he studies the foundations of this new technology of power over population and explores the technologies of security and the history of 'governmentality'.
This book derives from Foucault's lectures at the College de France between January and April 1978, which can be seen as a radical turning point in hi...
Das Erscheinen des ersten Bandes von Michel Foucaults Schriften wurde weithin als Ereignis wahrgenommen. Mit der in weiten Teilen erstmaligen Übersetzung aller Aufsätze, Interviews und kleineren Arbeiten Foucaults liegt nun derjenige Teil von Michel Foucaults Werk vor, der ihn zu Lebzeiten zum Klassiker und zum enfant terrible der philosophischen Szene gemacht hatte: Seine Art, archäologische und genealogische Perspektiven aufeinander zu beziehen und eine detaillierte historische Arbeit immer mit Blick auf die Gegenwart zu profilieren, hat die Theorielandschaft nachhaltig erschüttert und...
Das Erscheinen des ersten Bandes von Michel Foucaults Schriften wurde weithin als Ereignis wahrgenommen. Mit der in weiten Teilen erstmaligen Überset...