Nine Eleven and a corrupt Florida Vietnam War theme park provide the backdrop for "Nam World," the story of a Vietnam veteran struggling to free himself from thirty years of self-confifined post-traumatic stress. He meets a woman damaged by the same war and suffering her own survivor's guilt, and sees a chance for healing and redemption if only he will undertake a three thousand mile journey to find her."
Nine Eleven and a corrupt Florida Vietnam War theme park provide the backdrop for "Nam World," the story of a Vietnam veteran struggling to free himse...
"A yearning for connection binds many of the stories in Jeff Boyle's fine collection. His lean, muscular prose reads as smooth as a flat sea. Yet still waters can disguise powerful undertows, and to slip into Boyle's world is to risk being swept away. Let yourself go, and when the current releases you back on shore you'll have more to contemplate than the view of the ocean many of his characters enjoy .... It's in the premise that we find commonalities among Boyle's sixteen stories. "In a world where people find themselves increasingly isolated from neighbors and their communities, Boyle...
"A yearning for connection binds many of the stories in Jeff Boyle's fine collection. His lean, muscular prose reads as smooth as a flat sea. Yet stil...