In this unique collection of essays, a diverse group of distinguished social theorists reflect upon the intellectual challenges and opportunities presented to criminology by recent transformations in the social and intellectual landscapes of contemporary societies. As each essay in its different way reveals, crime and punishment have ceased to be topics that can be contained within the bounds of any specialized discipline. Crime and punishment now play such integral roles in the politics of contemporary societies, are so densely entangled with our daily routines, so deeply lodged in our...
In this unique collection of essays, a diverse group of distinguished social theorists reflect upon the intellectual challenges and opportunities pres...
Crime and Social Change in Middle England offers a new way of looking at contemporary debates on the fear of crime. Using observation, interviews and documentary analysis it traces the reactions of citizens of one very ordinary town to events, conflicts and controversies around such topical subjects of criminological investigation as youth, public order, drugs, policing and home security in their community. In doing so it moves in place from comfortable suburbs to hard pressed inner city estates, from the affluent to the impoverished, from old people watching the town where they grew...
Crime and Social Change in Middle England offers a new way of looking at contemporary debates on the fear of crime. Using observation, interv...
The development of ideas and policy on the control of crime has become an increasingly international affair, necessarily so as crime increasingly crosses national boundaries and as international cooperation in the form of police cooperation, international treaties, protocols and conventions takes firmer shape. Much less well understood, however, is the process whereby ideas about crime control developed in one context are transferred into different countries or regions, and in doing so are then shaped, naturalised and changed in their new context. process of policy transfer and reception. How...
The development of ideas and policy on the control of crime has become an increasingly international affair, necessarily so as crime increasingly cros...
Escape Routes: Contemporary Perspectives on Life After Punishment addresses the reasons why people stop offending, and the processes by which they are rehabilitated or resettled back into the community. Engaging with, and building upon, renewed criminological interest in this area, Escape Routes nevertheless broadens and enlivens the current debate. First, its scope goes beyond a narrowly-defined notion of crime and includes, for example, essays on religious redemption, the lives of ex-war criminals, and the relationship between ethnicity and desistance from crime. Second, contributors to...
Escape Routes: Contemporary Perspectives on Life After Punishment addresses the reasons why people stop offending, and the processes by which they are...
A thorny question faced by all civilized societies is what to do when people commit crime, and, in particular, how criminals are to be punished. Yet the nature of punishment, its justifications, aims, and effects has varied markedly throughout history and across and within cultures. These matters continue to be vigorously debated and frequently give rise to sharp divisions along lines of morality, politics, faith, and effectiveness.
This vital new Routledge collection now brings together the major works on punishment, a central, important, and fascinating area of study, not just for the...
A thorny question faced by all civilized societies is what to do when people commit crime, and, in particular, how criminals are to be punished. Ye...
The United States leads the world in incarceration, and the United Kingdom is persistently one of the European countries with the highest per capita rates of imprisonment. Yet despite its increasing visibility as a social issue, mass incarceration - and its inconsistency with core democratic ideals - rarely surfaces in contemporary Anglo-American political theory. Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration seeks to overcome this puzzling disconnect by deepening the dialogue between democratic theory and punishment policy.
This collection of original essays initiates a...
The United States leads the world in incarceration, and the United Kingdom is persistently one of the European countries with the highest per capita r...