Fabio Casciati Georges Magonette Francesco Marazzi
Researchers have studied many methods of using active and passive control devices for absorbing vibratory energy. Active devices, while providing significant reductions in structural motion, typically require large (and often multiply-redundant) power sources, and thereby raise concerns about stability. Passive devices are fixed and cannot be modified based on information of excitation or structural response. Semiactive devices on the other hand can provide significant vibration reductions comparable to those of active devices but with substantially reduced power requirements and in a stable...
Researchers have studied many methods of using active and passive control devices for absorbing vibratory energy. Active devices, while providing sign...
Structural control represents a high technology proposal for civil engineering innovation. This book collects the invited papers presented at the 3rd International on Structural Control. The geographical coverage and the high value of the invited speakers make the book a unique update in the areas of intelligent structures, structural control and smart materials for civil and infrastructure engineers.
Structural control represents a high technology proposal for civil engineering innovation. This book collects the invited papers presented at the 3rd ...
The Symposium, held in Torino (lSI, Villa Gualino) July 1-5, 1991 is the sixth of a series of IUTAM-Symposia on the application of stochastic analysis to continuum and discrete mechanics. The previous one, held in Innsbruck (1987), was mainly concentrated on qual itative and quantitative analysis of stochastic dynamical systems as well as on bifurcation and transition to chaos of deterministic systems. This Symposium concentrated on fundamental aspects (stochastic analysis and mathe matical methods), on specific applications in various branches of mechanics, engineering and applied sciences...
The Symposium, held in Torino (lSI, Villa Gualino) July 1-5, 1991 is the sixth of a series of IUTAM-Symposia on the application of stochastic analysis...