Papers from the session Iran Palaeolithic presented at the XV UISPP World Congress, September 2006. Contents: 1) The Middle Palaeolithic occupation of Mar-Tarik, a new Zagros Mousterian site in Bisotun massif (Kermanshah, Iran) (J. Jaubert et al.); 2) Test Excavations at the Middle Paleolithic Sites of Qaleh Bozi, Southwest of Central Iran. A Preliminary Report (Fereidoun Biglari et al.); 3) Whither the Aurignacian in the Middle East? Assessing the Zagros Upper Paleolithic (Deborah I. Olszewski); 4) A Typo-technological Study of an Upper Paleolithic Collection from Sefid-Ab, Central Iran...
Papers from the session Iran Palaeolithic presented at the XV UISPP World Congress, September 2006. Contents: 1) The Middle Palaeolithic occupation of...
Papers from Session C26, 'Prehistoric Art: Signs, Symbols, Myth, Ideology', from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: 1) Un nuevo conjunto de arte rupestre esquematico en el tramo final del rio Ibor (Caceres, Espana) (Ma A. Aldecoa Quintana, A. Dominguez Garcia); 2) Towards a Pastoral Neolithic Society: Khanguet- El-Hadjar, Constantinois, Algeria (Idir Amara, Colette Roubet); 3) Les figures humaines sexuees segmentees et isolees: perennite et ruptures (Raphaelle Bourrillon); 3) Les Manifestations Esthetiques du Mesolithique (Florence Bouvry); 4) Death and...
Papers from Session C26, 'Prehistoric Art: Signs, Symbols, Myth, Ideology', from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: 1...