Unter dem Eindruck der Kostenentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen gewinnen oko nomische Uberlegungen im Gesundheitswesen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Notwendigkeit, den Gesundheitszustand effektiv und efftzient zu verbessem, ruft nach einer Auswahl wirkungsvoller Verfahren aufgrund objektivierbarer Kriterien. In der heudgen Situation kann die friiher geauBerte Ansicht, daB Geld keine Rolle spielen durfe, wo Gesundheit und das menschliche Wohlbefinden auf dem Spiel stehen, nicht mehr langer aufrechterhalten werden, da sie bei beschrankten Mitteln unweigerlich zu Ungleichheiten in der Behandlung...
Unter dem Eindruck der Kostenentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen gewinnen oko nomische Uberlegungen im Gesundheitswesen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Notwen...
In the past two decades public debate about the risks, benefits, and safety associated with drugs has intensified. Public disputes over risks are brought to court when individuals seek compensation for health problems attributed to a pharmaceutical product. The issue reaches legislatures and regulatory agencies when consumer advocates seek to influence the standards of drug usage. Front-page news tends to focus on accidents or other risk events with drugs. Drug risk and drug safety have become an important political issue. Drug regulat ory agencies have been instituted, and their...
In the past two decades public debate about the risks, benefits, and safety associated with drugs has intensified. Public disputes over risks are brou...
As the focus on pharmaceuticals has broadened from concern for their cost and effectiveness to their real and potential risks and benefits, a critical question has been raised: whose responsibility is it to improve drug safety? In April 1990, this question became the theme for a conference at Wolfsberg, Switzerland, near the shores of Lake Constance. Called an "international dialogue conference" by its organizers, the meeting brought together leaders from the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities, academia, medicine, consumer organizations and the media. Opening addresses were given...
As the focus on pharmaceuticals has broadened from concern for their cost and effectiveness to their real and potential risks and benefits, a critical...