This is an intriguing and true story of a young American meeting and falling deeply in love with a beautiful German girl just out of medical school. This intense relationship lasted over a year, only to be torn apart by fate and circumstance. Woven within this wonderful story is the fascinating medical journey of this German girl, Dr. Liselotte Mettler, and how she gained world recognition in her chosen field. It takes you through her incredible experience working with the natives in the jungles of Peru as well as her pioneer work in laparoscopic surgery in Germany. The trials, tribulations...
This is an intriguing and true story of a young American meeting and falling deeply in love with a beautiful German girl just out of medical school. T...
This book initiates the descriptions of the practical performance of different hysterectomies with conventional and robotically assisted laparoscopy, laparotomy and vaginal surgery. Laparoscopic hysterectomy has been out as an additional technique for hysterectomies for the last couple of decades. As the necessary light, augmentation and advanced skill has only been introduced into this already 200 year old surgical procedure within the last few decades by laparoscopy, the editors aim to look at the laparoscopic procedures followed by the traditional techniques of hysterectomy with laparotomy...
This book initiates the descriptions of the practical performance of different hysterectomies with conventional and robotically assisted laparoscopy, ...
This first volume of the series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction focuses on new aspects of reproductive medicine, from the professional responsibility model of ethics to the areas of high clinical involvement in human reproduction, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary, family planning and post-coital contraception.
This first volume of the series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction focuses on new aspects of reproductive medicine, from the professio...
This first volume of the series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction focuses on new aspects of reproductive medicine, from the professional responsibility model of ethics to the areas of high clinical involvement in human reproduction, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary, family planning and post-coital contraception.
This first volume of the series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction focuses on new aspects of reproductive medicine, from the professio...