This groundbreaking study reveals the extent of British military planning against the Soviet Union during the first two years of the Second World War. These plans, formulated on the widespread belief that Soviet Russia was an active and willing partner in Adolf Hitler's war of conquest, were designed to bring the Soviets to their knees and deprive Nazi Germany of vital raw materials, especially oil. Churchill himself was one of the leading proponents of action that would have led to an Anglo-Soviet conflict even as the war with Germany raged on. Utilizing many never-before published...
This groundbreaking study reveals the extent of British military planning against the Soviet Union during the first two years of the Second World W...
Jagging across northwestern Europe like an ugly scar, the Hindenburg Line was Germany's most formidable line of defense in World War I. Its fearsome reputation was matched only by its cunning design, with deep zigzagging trenches, concrete fieldworks, barbed wire, and devilish booby traps forming an intimidating barrier for any attacking army. Through meticulous research, this volume explores each of the major portions of the Hindenburg Line, paying particular attention to three examples of Allied operations against it towards the end of the war: the critical flanking of the Drocourt-Qeant...
Jagging across northwestern Europe like an ugly scar, the Hindenburg Line was Germany's most formidable line of defense in World War I. Its fearsom...