The contributions published in this volume are the re sults of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Improvement of Joint Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Data," which took place in Gradisca d'Isonzo in October 1987 and February 1988. Modern computer techniques were applied for geoscien tific studies in a new dimension. 45 scientists from 7 Euro pean countries, Canada and the united states of America par ticipated in the workshop. Interactive discussions and modeling improved the understanding of the very complex structure of the investigated area. We thank all contributors, but...
The contributions published in this volume are the re sults of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Improvement of Joint Interpretation of Geophysical...
The determination of crustal structure by means of explo sion seismology has been one of the major objectives of the European Seismological Commission (ESC) over the past twenty-five years. It was decided some time ago to publish the results of regional crustal investigations in Europe in a series of monographs. This publication entitled "Ex plosion Seismology in Central Europe - Data and Results" is Volume 1 in a sequence of publications dealing with the crustal structure in Europe. The European seismologists are indebted to the German Geo physical Society (Deutsche Geophysikalische...
The determination of crustal structure by means of explo sion seismology has been one of the major objectives of the European Seismological Commission...
The contributions published in this volume are the re- sults of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Improvement of Joint Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Data", which took place in Gradisca d'Isonzo in October 1987 and February 1988. Modern computer techniques were applied for geoscien- tific studies in a new dimension. 45 scientists from 7 Euro- pean countries, Canada and the united states of America par- ticipated in the workshop. Interactive discussions and modeling improved the understanding of the very complex structure of the investigated area. We thank all contributors,...
The contributions published in this volume are the re- sults of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Improvement of Joint Interpretation of Geophysica...