Twenty-five years after the release of his ground-breaking book The Elijah Task, co-authored with his wife, Paula, a sequel comes from the powerful pen of John Sandford. In Elijah Among Us, he outlines a biblically rooted discussion of prophetic history and functioning, both how to instruct prophets and commission their office and how to inform the church about prophetic ministry. Sandford wrote this follow-up book because he sees a strong and even dangerous overemphasis in the church on the -giving of personal words, - which is only one role of the prophetic office. ...
Twenty-five years after the release of his ground-breaking book The Elijah Task, co-authored with his wife, Paula, a sequel comes from the powe...
This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father. "Transforming the Inner Man "introduces the keys that reach to the depth of the heart with the power of the cross and resurrection to effect lasting change through continual death and rebirth. John and Paula Sandford take a no-nonsense approach to Christian living. A few of their chapter titles are as follows: - Sanctification and Transformation - Performance Orientation - The Central Power and Necessity of Forgiveness - The Role of a Christian Counselor - Bitter-Root...
This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father. "Transforming the Inner ...
Fear of rejection. Loneliness. Depression. Grief. Isolation. What Christian hasn't experienced these feelings at some time in life? Many wonder why their lives don't demonstrate the victorious living that they desire, asking questions like: "Why can't I overcome this area in my life? Why is it so difficult for me to change? If I am a Christian, why do I keep falling into the same sinful pattern over and over again? "In "God's Power to Change, "book two of four in The Transformation Series, readers will learn, in simple ways, how to reach and heal their spirits and the inner spirit of each...
Fear of rejection. Loneliness. Depression. Grief. Isolation. What Christian hasn't experienced these feelings at some time in life? Many wonder why th...
This book describes powerful, unseen forces that drive some Christians into sexual sins. It includes help and hope for believers who want to stand in the face of overwhelming sexual compulsions, and forgiveness and knowledge for those who have been hurt by fallen leaders.
This book describes powerful, unseen forces that drive some Christians into sexual sins. It includes help and hope for believers who want to stand in ...
John Loren Sandford John Loren Sanford Paula Sanford
The third book in The Transformation Series, this sequel to Transforming the Inner Man and God's Power to Change focuses on relationships and events that disable us from being able to relate and communicate with others effectively.
The third book in The Transformation Series, this sequel to Transforming the Inner Man and God's Power to Change focuses on relationships and event...
There is no question the world is fractured. Nations, families, and individuals all experience a broken and fallen world in which Satan maintains strongholds of power. But believers are to become free, whole, and mature in Christ. John Loren Sandford and Mark Sandford bring understanding and reconciliation between the disciplines of deliverance and inner healing. They correct misunderstandings, identify abuses, and present direction for using both ministries effectively. With clear, informative chapters and multiple appendixes full of scriptural references, Deliverance and Inner...
There is no question the world is fractured. Nations, families, and individuals all experience a broken and fallen world in which Satan maintains stro...