In a world governed by speed, the Internet plays a growing role in many of today's innovations, and the resolution of disputes using electronic means of communication may soon be part of everyday legal practice. This book offers a survey of the current state of play in online dispute resolution, from the methods and information technology currently in use to the range of regulatory solutions proposed by shareholders. Taking their analysis a step further, the authors also address this new field's most pressing issues, including possible amendments of existing legislation, treaties, and...
In a world governed by speed, the Internet plays a growing role in many of today's innovations, and the resolution of disputes using electronic means ...
In this first handbook on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) what is likely to become one of tomorrowand#8217;s incontrovertible topics in the field of arbitration, a well-known expert in ODR guides the reader through the reasons to use IT and its practicalities, the choices made by the prevalent arbitration institutions in this regard, and the legal limits to the use of such technologies. His powerful and#8216;toolboxand#8217; includes a wealth of practice guidelines, drafting suggestions for arbitrators or parties wishing to use IT, and checklists and reminders to be used in practice....
In this first handbook on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) what is likely to become one of tomorrowand#8217;s incontrovertible topics in the field ...
Since "The Rosary for Episcopalians" was first compiled and printed, the requests for it have been constant. It has filled a need for a form of piety that is alive and well in the Church. It has been many years since the author was asked by the Grace Cathedral Bookstore in San Francisco to "write something" about the Rosary, as they had nothing by an Episcopalian on the subject. As a result, this little book came into being. With the Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II, Rosarium Virginis Mariae, and the creation of the set of "Mysteries of Light," the need to update this work became...
Since "The Rosary for Episcopalians" was first compiled and printed, the requests for it have been constant. It has filled a need for a form of piety ...
Germany's Dog's Deli(R) returns after Baking for Dogs with more than twenty of the latest doggy delicacies for your canine friend. Treat your pooch to healthy, all natural snacks and meals that are easy to make and even easier to watch disappear. Detailed ingredients, tips, and instructions provide the essentials for mastering a well-balanced diet. There's even a section on nutrition for older dogs. Become the alpha chef as you prepare muffins, biscuits, elaborate feasts, and much more.
Germany's Dog's Deli(R) returns after Baking for Dogs with more than twenty of the latest doggy delicacies for your canine friend. Treat your pooch to...
What should we call law when it is not the law of one or several states? Does it actually matter what we call law? How can we take into account the consequences of calling something law when we shape the concept of law in the first place? How does international arbitration help to illustrate the problem? This book is an investigation into stateless law, illustrated by international arbitration regimes. It addresses key philosophical questions posed by international arbitration as a potential path to law beyond the state. It ascertains which dimensions of transnational legality arbitral...
What should we call law when it is not the law of one or several states? Does it actually matter what we call law? How can we take into account the co...
This volume contains the proceedings from two closely related workshops: Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'13) and Mathematical Methods from Brain Connectivity (MMBC'13), held under the auspices of the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, which took place in Nagoya, Japan, September 2013.
Inside, readers will find contributions ranging from mathematical foundations and novel methods for the validation of inferring large-scale connectivity from neuroimaging data to the statistical analysis of the data, accelerated methods for...
This volume contains the proceedings from two closely related workshops: Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'13) and Mathematical Methods from Brain...
Modern imaging techniques and computational simulations yield complex multi-valued data that require higher-order mathematical descriptors. This book addresses topics of importance when dealing with such data, including frameworks for image processing, visualization and statistical analysis of higher-order descriptors. It also provides examples of the successful use of higher-order descriptors in specific applications and a glimpse of the next generation of diffusion MRI. To do so, it combines contributions on new developments, current challenges in this area and state-of-the-art...
Modern imaging techniques and computational simulations yield complex multi-valued data that require higher-order mathematical descriptors. This bo...
This volume contains the proceedings from two closely related workshops: Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'13) and Mathematical Methods from Brain Connectivity (MMBC'13), held under the auspices of the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, which took place in Nagoya, Japan, September 2013.
Inside, readers will find contributions ranging from mathematical foundations and novel methods for the validation of inferring large-scale connectivity from neuroimaging data to the statistical analysis of the data, accelerated methods for...
This volume contains the proceedings from two closely related workshops: Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'13) and Mathematical Methods from Brain...
Modern imaging techniques and computational simulations yield complex multi-valued data that require higher-order mathematical descriptors. This book addresses topics of importance when dealing with such data, including frameworks for image processing, visualization and statistical analysis of higher-order descriptors. It also provides examples of the successful use of higher-order descriptors in specific applications and a glimpse of the next generation of diffusion MRI. To do so, it combines contributions on new developments, current challenges in this area and state-of-the-art...
Modern imaging techniques and computational simulations yield complex multi-valued data that require higher-order mathematical descriptors. This bo...