Peter Gabriel Bergmann Venzo D Peter Gabriel Bergmann
The Ninth Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravita tion of the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture is concerned with "Topological Properties and Global Structure of Space-Time." We consider this topic to possess great importance. Our choice has also been influenced by the fact that there are many quest ions as yet unre solved. Standard general relativity describes space-time as a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold, but it does not prescribe its large-scale structure. Inorderto attempt answers to some topological questions, such as whether our universe is...
The Ninth Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravita tion of the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture is concerned with "Top...
Comprehensive coverage of special theory (frames of reference, Lorentz transformation, more), general theory (principle of equivalence, more) and unified theory (Weyl's gauge-invariant geometry, more.) Foreword by Albert Einstein.
Comprehensive coverage of special theory (frames of reference, Lorentz transformation, more), general theory (principle of equivalence, more) and unif...
In this XVII Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation devoted to "ADVANCES IN THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN QUANTUM AND GRAVITY PHYSICS" we have considered different aspects of the influence of gravity on quantum systems. In order to achieve this aim, in many lectures, seminars and discussions we have strengthened the interplay between gravity and quantum systems starting from the situation in the early universe based on astrophysical observations, up to the earthly based experiments with atom interferometry for probing the structure of space-time. Thus we have had timely...
In this XVII Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation devoted to "ADVANCES IN THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN QUANTUM AND GRAVITY PHYSICS...
Dort nun, bei den Helden, bei diesen wirklich vorbild haften Menschen erscheint uns das Interesse fur die Person, fur den Namen, fur Gesiebt und Gebarde er laubt und naturlich. H. Hesse, "Das Glasperlenspiei" Im Jahre 1979 feiert die Welt den 100. Geburtstag Albert Einsteins. Dies bietet Anlass zu einem Ruckblick auf sein Leben und sein wissenschaft liches Werk, zu einem uberblick uber Einsteins Bedeutung fur unsere Zeit und zu einer Vorausschau auf kommende Jahre naturwissenschaftlicher Entwicklung. Einstein war zweifellos eine der Schlusselfiguren der Geistesgeschichte unseres Jahrhunderts....
Dort nun, bei den Helden, bei diesen wirklich vorbild haften Menschen erscheint uns das Interesse fur die Person, fur den Namen, fur Gesiebt und Gebar...