Alex and Sam Green discover a railway adventure when an old steam engine magically transports them back in time to 1929 and to the seaside town of Sole Bay. But on arrival in Sole Bay they are tormented by a gang of boys who are creating havoc in the town. Alex and Sam find out that the town's lighthouse is threatened with disaster by the gang. Can Alex and Sam save the lighthouse and those in danger on the sea at Sole Bay?
Alex and Sam Green discover a railway adventure when an old steam engine magically transports them back in time to 1929 and to the seaside town of Sol...
Exploring the role of museums, galleries and curators during the upheaval of the Second World War, this book challenges the accepted view of a hiatus in museum services during the conflict and its immediate aftermath. Instead it argues that new thinking in the 1930s was realised in a number of promising initiatives during the war only to fail during the fragmented post-war recovery. Based on new research including interviews with retired museum staff, letters, diaries, museum archives and government records, this study reveals a complex picture of both innovation and inertia. At the outbreak...
Exploring the role of museums, galleries and curators during the upheaval of the Second World War, this book challenges the accepted view of a hiatus ...
Loneliness among kids is on the rise. In Marvel at the Moon: 90 Devotions: You're Never Alone in God's Majestic Universe, author and pastor Levi Lusko uses illuminating stories, biblical teaching, and eye-opening surprises about outer space to show kids that they're never alone, because God is always with them. The moon is a constant and mysterious presence in our sky! Kids marvel at it, just as adults do, wondering about our big universe. And they'll love learning about the moon and other out-of-this-world discoveries about God's creative cosmos. With insightful, educational, and comforting...
Loneliness among kids is on the rise. In Marvel at the Moon: 90 Devotions: You're Never Alone in God's Majestic Universe, author and pastor Levi Lusko...