Written for all ages, this short, simple story contains a powerful therapeutic metaphor designed to cause change within one's personality. Embedded in the tale of a young boy's struggle to come to terms with a school bully is another story that gives a healing metaphor to the subconscious of the reader.
Written for all ages, this short, simple story contains a powerful therapeutic metaphor designed to cause change within one's personality. Embedded in...
"Emotional Freedom" spells out a method using acupressure points to heal most physical or mental issues up to 80 percent of the time. Included is a detailed index pointing to answers for any question about using the treatment.
"Emotional Freedom" spells out a method using acupressure points to heal most physical or mental issues up to 80 percent of the time. Included is a de...
Flint offers a self-help manual for individuals who want to learn how to deal with emotional issues on their own. Professionals and laypeople will easily grasp both the theory and application of his Process Healing Method, a rapid and efficient means to problem-solve and treat behaviors based on anxiety, fear, sadness, and other painful memories.
Flint offers a self-help manual for individuals who want to learn how to deal with emotional issues on their own. Professionals and laypeople will eas...