Semiconductor devices are ubiquitous in today's world and found increasingly in cars, kitchens, and electronic door looks, attesting to their presence in our daily lives. This comprehensive book brings you the fundamentals of semiconductor device theory from basic quantum physics to computer aided design.
Advanced Theory of Semiconductor Devices will help improve your understanding of computer simulation devices through a thorough discussion of basic equations, their validity, and numerical solutions as they are contained in current simulation tools. You will gain state-of-the-art...
Semiconductor devices are ubiquitous in today's world and found increasingly in cars, kitchens, and electronic door looks, attesting to their presence...
Monte Carlo simulation is now a well established method for studying semiconductor devices and is particularly well suited to highlighting physical mechanisms and exploring material properties. Not surprisingly, the more completely the material properties are built into the simulation, up to and including the use of a full band structure, the more powerful is the method. Indeed, it is now becoming increasingly clear that phenomena such as reliabil ity related hot-electron effects in MOSFETs cannot be understood satisfac torily without using full band Monte Carlo. The IBM simulator DAMOCLES,...
Monte Carlo simulation is now a well established method for studying semiconductor devices and is particularly well suited to highlighting physical me...