Ca (TM)est dans le ghetto juif du Caire que naA(R)t, contre toute attente, da (TM)une jeune mA]re flamboyante et da (TM)un pA]re aveugle, Zohar la (TM)insoumis. Et voici que sa soeur de lait, Masreya, issue de la fange du Delta, danseuse aux ruses da (TM)enchanteresse, le conduit aux portes du pouvoir. Voici aussi les mendiants et les orgueilleux, les filous et les commA]res de la ruelle, les pauvres et les nantis, petit peuple qui va roulant, criant, se rA(c)voltant, espA(c)rant et souffrant.Cette saga aux couleurs du soleil millA(c)naire dit tout de la (TM)A0/00gypte: grandeur et...
Ca (TM)est dans le ghetto juif du Caire que naA(R)t, contre toute attente, da (TM)une jeune mA]re flamboyante et da (TM)un pA]re aveugle, Zohar la (TM...
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients' irrational beliefs and treat them in a 'symbolic' way. If they get results, it's thanks to their capacity to listen, rather than any influence on a clinical level.
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients' irrational beliefs and treat them in a 'symbolic' way. If they get results, it's thanks to t...
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients' irrational beliefs and treat them in a 'symbolic' way. If they get results, it's thanks to their capacity to listen, rather than any influence on a clinical level.
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients' irrational beliefs and treat them in a 'symbolic' way. If they get results, it's thanks to t...