In Helen Callaghan's chilling, tightly-spun debut novel of psychological suspense, a teenage girl's abduction stirs dark memories of a twenty-year-old cold case...
Margot Lewis is a teacher at an exclusive high school in the English university town of Cambridge. In her spare time, she writes an advice column, -Dear Amy-, for the local newspaper.
When one of Margot's students, fifteen-year-old Katie, disappears, the school and the town fear the worst. And then Margot gets a -Dear Amy- letter unlike any of the ones she's received before. It's a desperate plea for rescue...
In Helen Callaghan's chilling, tightly-spun debut novel of psychological suspense, a teenage girl's abduction stirs dark memories of a twenty-year...
This book highlights the role of "profiteers" in political efforts to expand market-based competition. Political struggles surrounding the gradual marketization of corporate control in Britain, Germany and France from the 1860s provide empirical illustration.
This book highlights the role of "profiteers" in political efforts to expand market-based competition. Political struggles surrounding the gradual mar...