This commentary is the first to fully apply the resources of socio-rhetorical analysis to Hebrews. Insights into the cultural and social world of the audience are combined with analysis of the author's rhetorical strategy and ideology to create a rich, three-dimensional reading that helps unravel key issues in the interpretation of the epistle. David deSilva's reflections on application concluding each section also make his commentary valuable to seminarians and pastors seeking to make Hebrews relevant to today's world.
This commentary is the first to fully apply the resources of socio-rhetorical analysis to Hebrews. Insights into the cultural and social world of the ...
For anyone who wants to be introduced to the worldview and thought of the early church, this book discusses the development of the four predominant themes of the New Testament-grace, discipleship, community, and apocalypticism-and its message.
For anyone who wants to be introduced to the worldview and thought of the early church, this book discusses the development of the four predominant th...
Adam and Eve weren't concerned about traffic jams as they strolled through the Garden of Eden. The Ten Commandments weren't delivered to Moses by e-mail. So how does the Word, written so long ago, fit into everyday life today? The Connections series offers today's readers and students of Scripture an answer to that puzzling question.Connections builds an understanding of the relationship between the Bible and everyday life by examining the individual pieces and how they fit together. It invites us to broaden our comprehension of the Bible and its applications to modern life by placing current...
Adam and Eve weren't concerned about traffic jams as they strolled through the Garden of Eden. The Ten Commandments weren't delivered to Moses by e-ma...
Hellenistic Greek society offered many advantages to the Jew who was willing to relax Torah for the sake of easier relations with the dominant culture. 4 Maccabees was written to reassure Jewish readers that Torah was in fact the sole path to the perfection of the virtues honoured in Greek culture, as it freed the diligent devotee from slavery to the desire, emotion and the domination of pain and pleasure. In brief compass, deSilva provides a detailed look at the rhetorical and philosophical strategy of the author of 4 Maccabees, who redirects the hearers' desire for honour and advancement...
Hellenistic Greek society offered many advantages to the Jew who was willing to relax Torah for the sake of easier relations with the dominant cult...
In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, two respected New Testament scholars offer a practical commentary on James and Jude that is conversant with contemporary scholarship, draws on ancient backgrounds, and attends to the theological nature of the texts.
This commentary, like each in the projected eighteen-volume series, proceeds by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Paideia commentaries explore how New Testament texts form Christian readers by
- attending to the ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies the text employs - showing how the text...
In this addition to the well-received Paideia series, two respected New Testament scholars offer a practical commentary on James and Jude that is conv...
Synopsis: Reading Scripture with a view to hearing its significance and challenge within its original, foreign context is the essence of exegesis and an anchor point for responsible hermeneutics. Reading Scripture alongside others from a significantly different social location also helps us see fresh aspects of the meaning of the text itself, as well as fresh angles on its challenge to Christian discipleship. This innovative commentary by respected New Testament scholar David deSilva is grounded in both approaches: a careful exegesis of Galatians as a basis for discerning the challenge of...
Synopsis: Reading Scripture with a view to hearing its significance and challenge within its original, foreign context is the essence of exegesis ...
Synopsis: A lot of mystery surrounds the book of Hebrews, especially regarding its authorship, date, and audience. But by asking the right kind of questions, one can move beyond the impasses typical of historical investigation. In this volume, David deSilva explores Hebrews through a social-scientific lens, asking one of the most important questions when interpreting letters and sermons: What was going on in the community to occasion such a response? DeSilva looks for clues concerning the anonymous author, his education level, the influence of the Greek environment, and his perception of his...
Synopsis: A lot of mystery surrounds the book of Hebrews, especially regarding its authorship, date, and audience. But by asking the right kind of que...
Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded "end times" theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help readers thoughtfully and properly approach the book of Revelation. This is a truly unique book that studies Revelation by (1) stating the context in which it was written (Roman Asia in the first century), (2) noting why John wrote what he did to the church, and (3) powerfully applying John's message to the church today. It is concisely written and carries a genuine spiritual message. Chapters include: - Debunking Popular...
Amidst the fervor of popular apocalyptic books and unfounded "end times" theology, deSilva has written an excellent book that will help reader...
"Galatians: A Handbook on the Greek Text" offers teachers and students a comprehensive guide to the grammar and vocabulary of Galatians. A perfect supplement to any commentary, this volume's lexical, analytical, and syntactical analysis is a helpful tool in navigating New Testament literature. David A. deSilva leads students toward both a greater understanding of the Greek text and an appreciation for the textual and rhetorical intricacies not available in English translations.
"Galatians: A Handbook on the Greek Text" offers teachers and students a comprehensive guide to the grammar and vocabulary of Galatians. A perfect...