- Wherever possible simple examples, which illustrate the main ideas, are provided before embarking on the actual discussion of the problem of interest - The book introduces the readers to problems of great current interest, like instantons, calorons, vortices, magnetic monopoles - QCD at finite temperature is discussed at great length, both in perturbation theory and in Monte Carlo simulations - The book contains many figures showing numerical results of pioneering work
- Wherever possible simple examples, which illustrate the main ideas, are provided before embarking on the actual discussion of the problem of interes...
- Wherever possible simple examples, which illustrate the main ideas, are provided before embarking on the actual discussion of the problem of interest - The book introduces the readers to problems of great current interest, like instantons, calorons, vortices, magnetic monopoles - QCD at finite temperature is discussed at great length, both in perturbation theory and in Monte Carlo simulations - The book contains many figures showing numerical results of pioneering work
- Wherever possible simple examples, which illustrate the main ideas, are provided before embarking on the actual discussion of the problem of interes...
This book is an introduction to the field of constrained Hamiltonian systems and their quantization, a topic which is of central interest to theoretical physicists who wish to obtain a deeper understanding of the quantization of gauge theories, such as describing the fundamental interactions in nature. Beginning with the early work of Dirac, the book covers the main developments in the field up to more recent topics, such as the field-antifield formalism of Batalin and Vilkovisky, including a short discussion of how gauge anomalies may be incorporated into this formalism. All topics are well...
This book is an introduction to the field of constrained Hamiltonian systems and their quantization, a topic which is of central interest to theoretic...
Provides an introduction to gauge field theories formulated on a space-time lattice, and in particular of QCD. This title also provides the reader with the necessary analytical and numerical techniques to carry out research on his own. It introduces the reader to problems which are under intensive investigation.
Provides an introduction to gauge field theories formulated on a space-time lattice, and in particular of QCD. This title also provides the reader wit...
The text introduces the reader to an area of theoretical elementary particle physics which has been the subject of intensive research since the 1970s. Its purpose is to provide graduate students with basic theoretical knowledge of quantum field theories, formulated on a time-space lattice, as well as the computational tools for carrying out research in this field. Special emphasis is placed on explaining in detail many concepts which students have problems with when atending for the first time a course on lattice guage field theories. The material covered should enable the reader to follow...
The text introduces the reader to an area of theoretical elementary particle physics which has been the subject of intensive research since the 1970s....
Einsteins neue Deutung der Zeit ist der Kern seiner Speziellen Relativitätstheorie (SRT). In der SRT spielt die Zeit nicht mehr die Rolle eines reinen Parameters unabhängig vom Raum; dies führt zu Konsequenzen, die für uns sehr befremdlich sind. Alle ungewohnten Aussagen der SRT sind auf den von Einstein geprägten neuen Zeitbegriff zurückzuführen. Das Hauptanliegen dieses Buches ist es, dem Leser ein konzeptuell schwieriges Thema so weit wie möglich transparent zu vermitteln, wobei auf eine Diskussion der subtilen Aspekte besonderer Wert gelegt wird.
Einsteins neue Deutung der Zeit ist der Kern seiner Speziellen Relativitätstheorie (SRT). In der SRT spielt die Zeit nicht mehr die Rolle eines reine...