Jorge Enrique Hardoy Diana Mitlin David Satterthwaite
* Updated and much expanded edition of the authors' 1992 classic Environmental Problems in Third World Cities * Comprehensive account of the health- and life- threatening environmental conditions in which a growing proportion of the world's people live * Ideal as a textbook and for professionals and interested general readers * 1st edition widely adopted on urban geography, development studies, environmental courses
Most of the world's urban population and most of the large and rapidly growing cities are in developing countries. Often...
* Updated and much expanded edition of the authors' 1992 classic Environmental Problems in Third World Cities * Comprehensive account of the heal...
What visitor to Mexico City, unaware of its pre-Hispanic history, could imagine that right under a Christian Church may still lie the remains of the sinister tzompantli, the Aztecs' altar of skulls? Professor Jorge Hardoy poses this question and many more in his comprehensive summary of the ancient cities where Latin America's peoples lived before the Spaniards arrived in the sixteenth century. Because Aztec Tenochtitlan, today Mexico City, and Inca Cuzco represent the culmination of the two most advanced civilizations encountered by the Spainsh conquistadors, the author explores these cities...
What visitor to Mexico City, unaware of its pre-Hispanic history, could imagine that right under a Christian Church may still lie the remains of the s...