Soaring Souls: The Dawning of a New Era is a poignant story of how a married woman with four children and a husband that she loves is momentarily drawn out of her everyday world into a passionate relationship with a Divine being whose love for her surpasses anything she has ever known. This moving story is about the Divine awakening occurring in our time.
About the Author: For the last 16 years, Eileen Curteis, a Sister of Saint Ann, has been involved in the Reiki Healing Ministry at Queenswood, a retreat and spirituality centre in Victoria, British Columbia. A...
Soaring Souls: The Dawning of a New Era is a poignant story of how a married woman with four children and a husband that she loves is...
After seventeen years as a practitioner and teacher of Reiki, Sister Eileen has been astonished by the sheer number of people who have continued to stream through the door. People of all ages and traditions have come seeking their healing and finding it as Eileen did when she first embarked on this foreign road that soon became home to her. Eileen has come to recognize through her many years of practice that there is an inherent healing power within each of us and that the gift of Reiki is able to activate it.
In her training manual, Eileen brings with her a core community of Reiki...
After seventeen years as a practitioner and teacher of Reiki, Sister Eileen has been astonished by the sheer number of people who have continued to...