As inPink Think, Lynn Peril combines women's history and popular culture--peppered with delightful examples of femoribilia from the turn of the twentieth century through the 1970s--in an intelligent and witty study of the college girl, the first woman to take that socially controversial step toward educational equity.
As inPink Think, Lynn Peril combines women's history and popular culture--peppered with delightful examples of femoribilia from the turn of t...
InSwimming in the Steno Pool, author-secretary Lynn Peril profiles the various incarnations of the secretary, from pliable, sexy mate of the "office husband" to postfeminist executive-in-training, drawing inspiration from a wide range of "femorabilia" and secretarial guidebooks of yesteryear. Featuring an array of fabulous illus- trations promoting office equipment and office girls alike, Peril delivers a feisty, witty celebration of the women who've been running the show for decades.
InSwimming in the Steno Pool, author-secretary Lynn Peril profiles the various incarnations of the secretary, from pliable, sexy mate of the ...