The Second Monte Verita Colloquium Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbu lence was held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, on March 23-27, 1998. The main goal of the Colloquium was to bring together in the relaxed atmo sphere of Monte Verita a group of leading scientists (consisting of representatives of different generations) and to discuss informally and free of the influence of funding agencies and/or other "politics" of nonscientific nature the basic issues of turbulence. The intention was to put major emphasis on the exposition of the problematic aspects and discussion(s) - not mere...
The Second Monte Verita Colloquium Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbu lence was held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, on March 23-27, 1998. The main...
It is evident, that for a number of ecological and technical problems in rivers and lakes a better knowledge of sediment transport and sedimentation is needed together with the ability to predict and simulate sediment behaviour. On the other hand, a stagnation of research in these topics could be observed in the last decades. At the Symposium an attempt was made to present new results in mathematics and natural sciences relevant for the sediment problem. New strategies were discussed to tackle the complexity of the problem. Basic theoretical research and laboratory experiments alone are...
It is evident, that for a number of ecological and technical problems in rivers and lakes a better knowledge of sediment transport and sedimentation i...
The GAMM Committee for Scientific Computing organizes workshops on subjects in Scientific Computing. These workshops are intended to bring researchers from engineering application and mathematical theory together, to provide a platform for discussion and scientific exchange and to further new research fields. st The series of such workshops was continued in 1995, October 12-13, with the 1 GAMM-Seminar at ICA Stuttgart on the special topic "Modelling and Computation in Environmental Sciences" at the Institute for Computer Applications, Universitiy of Stuttgart. The seminar was attended by 75...
The GAMM Committee for Scientific Computing organizes workshops on subjects in Scientific Computing. These workshops are intended to bring researchers...
A collection of contributions on a variety of mathematical, physical and engineering subjects related to turbulence. Topics include mathematical issues, control and related problems, observational aspects, two- and quasi-two-dimensional flows, basic aspects of turbulence modeling, statistical issues and passive scalars.
A collection of contributions on a variety of mathematical, physical and engineering subjects related to turbulence. Topics include mathematical is...
Die Modellierung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten als ein selbstandiges Arbeitsgebiet herausgebildet. Sie kann als Weiterverarbeitung der in der Erkundung gewonnenen Daten beschrieben werden, wobei haufig prognostische Aussagen angestrebt werden. Die Moglichkeit und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Prognose auf der Basis von Wissen im erkundeten und von Expertenvorstellungen im nicht erkundeten Bereich waren dabei entscheidend fur die Verbreitung der Modellierung als eigenstandiges, interdisziplinares Arbeitsfeld. Die dargestellten Methoden konnen als Einstieg in die numerische Modellierung...
Die Modellierung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten als ein selbstandiges Arbeitsgebiet herausgebildet. Sie kann als Weiterverarbeitung der in der Er...