The contributions brought together in this book derive from joint seminars held by scholars from the University of Oxford and the University of Paris II. The starting point is the original divergence between two jurisdictions, with the initial rejection of the public-private divide as viewed under English law, while at the same time, the total acceptance as natural in French law. The book then demonstrates that the two systems have converged-the British one towards a certain degree of acceptance of the division and the French one towards a growing questioning of the division. However this is...
The contributions brought together in this book derive from joint seminars held by scholars from the University of Oxford and the University of Paris ...
Obra traducida del francEs, en su segunda ediciOn ya, y actualizada para la ediciOn espaNola. Resulta de singular interEs, en razOn de los temas que aborda, y de la madura reflexiOn que presenta. Se trata de una obra que combina con maestrIa el pensamiento y el dominio del Derecho positivo. Ocupa por todo ello un lugar preeminente entre las mAs relevantes aportaciones doctrinales europeas en torno al fenOmeno de la globalizaciOn. Imprescindible en la formaciOn del jurista, para obtener una visiOn profunda, un cuadro completo, ajeno a las simplificaciones.
Obra traducida del francEs, en su segunda ediciOn ya, y actualizada para la ediciOn espaNola. Resulta de singular interEs, en razOn de los temas qu...
The definition of what is of general interest is not a free and capricious decision of the legislator and the Administration. The most important public decisions must be preceded by the necessary information, and in particular, by methods and knowledge to weigh up and value the effects of planned measures, as well as possible alternatives or options. That is regulatory impact assessment. This book brings experiences of comparative law, notably France and the United States, both are advanced countries in this field, and offers reflections of interest to everyone, due to the techniques of...
The definition of what is of general interest is not a free and capricious decision of the legislator and the Administration. The most important publi...
This book begins - as is customary in globalisation literature - with an acknowledgement of the definitional difficulties associated with globalisation. Rather than labour the point, the book identifies some economic, political and cultural dimensions to the phenomenon and uses these to analyse existing and emerging challenges to State-centric/territorial models of law and governance. It surveys three areas that are typically associated with globalisation - financial markets, the internet, and public contracts - as well as commerce more generally, the environment, fundamental rights, and...
This book begins - as is customary in globalisation literature - with an acknowledgement of the definitional difficulties associated with globalisatio...