The book is a deconstruction of the political discourse of Simbhoonath Capildeo the progenitor of Hindu nationalist discourse in Trinidad and Tobago.
Capildeo's Hindu nationalism is premised upon a rootedness in Trinidad and Tobago, a fervent praxis premised on bhakti (devotion) towards creating a discourse of Sanatan Dharma that was relevant to life in the west as a Hindu that was sustainable, and finally a political praxis that was demonstrably anti- racist and egalitarian in the tradition of democratic socialism.
The book is a deconstruction of the political discourse of Simbhoonath Capildeo the progenitor of Hindu nationalist discourse in Trinidad and Tobago. ...
This is the final text of the trilogy consisting of "Jihad in Trinidad and Tobago" and "Exiting a Racist Worldview." The text presents a deconstruction of Islamic discourse with specific reference to jihad (military engagement) and the shahid (martyr). The Al Qaeda discourse of the greater kufr is deconstructed to expose its antecedents in militarist Islamic discourse born out of the contradiction between Islam and western capitalist colonial imperialism. Primary to the development of the discourse of military engagement with the west is the discourse of Pakistani thinkers deconstructed in...
This is the final text of the trilogy consisting of "Jihad in Trinidad and Tobago" and "Exiting a Racist Worldview." The text presents a deconstructio...
"Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking in the Caribbean" exposes the nature and structures of illicit drug trafficking in the Caribbean. A complex reality is presented which is built upon the lies and deceptions of the war on drugs, the complicity of the elites of the Caribbean with the illicit trade and the failure of the agencies charged with interdicting the illicit trade in the Caribbean. The escalating levels of societal violence, instability, of crime and the stark contrasts of opulence in the midst of grinding poverty all linked to the illicit drug trade are dealt with. The underlying reality...
"Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking in the Caribbean" exposes the nature and structures of illicit drug trafficking in the Caribbean. A complex reality is...
This book deals with threats to the sustainability of specific Caribbean states in the face of the concerted threats posed by the illicit drug trade, the illicit gun trade, human smuggling and the sex trade. These concerted threats have impacted the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean creating a conjunction of forces that is now the single most potent threat to Caribbean state survival and sustainability.
This book deals with threats to the sustainability of specific Caribbean states in the face of the concerted threats posed by the illicit drug trade, ...
This work explodes myths on the decolonization process in former British colonies of Trinidad and Tobago and Ghana. Myths that masked the fact that the British colonial overlord with the full support of their local lackeys stage managed the process to ensure that compliant regimes were put in place as the inheritors of Independence from the British. Tubal Uriah Butler was systematically destroyed as a political leader to end his threat to the political order as he was not of the required material to be an inheritor of Independence. Kwame Nkrumah was fit to rule Ghana but he was subsequently...
This work explodes myths on the decolonization process in former British colonies of Trinidad and Tobago and Ghana. Myths that masked the fact that th...