The book is divided into two parts: Part I deals with the relevant physics and planning algorithms of protons (H Breuer) and Part II with the radiobiology, radiopathology and clinical outcomes of proton therapy and a comparison of proton therapy versus photon therapy (BJ Smit). Protons can be used for radiosurgery and general radio- therapy. Since proton therapy was first proposed in 1946 by Wilson, about sixteen facilities have been built globally. Only a very few of these have isocentric beam delivery systems so that proton therapy is really only now in a position to be compared directly by...
The book is divided into two parts: Part I deals with the relevant physics and planning algorithms of protons (H Breuer) and Part II with the radiobio...
The book is divided into two parts: Part I deals with the relevant physics and planning algorithms of protons (H Breuer) and Part II with the radiobiology, radiopathology and clinical outcomes of proton therapy and a comparison of proton therapy versus photon therapy (BJ Smit). Protons can be used for radiosurgery and general radio therapy. Since proton therapy was first proposed in 1946 by Wilson, about sixteen facilities have been built globally. Only a very few of these have isocentric beam delivery systems so that proton therapy is really only now in a position to be compared directly by...
The book is divided into two parts: Part I deals with the relevant physics and planning algorithms of protons (H Breuer) and Part II with the radiobio...
75 Farbtafeln und 125 zugeordnete Textseiten mit zahlreichen griffigen Beispielen und nahtloser Anlehnung an den Gegen- standskatalog machen den "Taschenatlas" zur idealen Vorbe- reitung auf die {rztliche Vorpr}fung. Im Dialog von klar ge- gliederter, konzentrierter Darstellung und dazugeh]rigen Schemazeichnungen werden auch komplexe Fakten schnell ver- standen und gemerkt, das Zusammenspiel von Physik und Physiologie immer wieder transparent. A-ber die Pr}fung hinaus bleibt der Taschenatlas ein unentbehrlicher Studienbegleiter und ein zuverl{ssiges Nachschlagewerk.
75 Farbtafeln und 125 zugeordnete Textseiten mit zahlreichen griffigen Beispielen und nahtloser Anlehnung an den Gegen- standskatalog machen den "Tasc...