The ongoing interconnection of the world through modern mass media is generally considered to be one of the major developments underpinning globalization. This important book considers anew the globalization phenomenon in the media sphere. Rather than heralding globalization or warning of its dangers, as in many other books, Kai Hafez analyzes the degree to which media globalization is really taking place. Do we have enough evidence to show that there is a linear and accelerated move towards transnationalization in the media? All too often the empirical data presented seems rather more...
The ongoing interconnection of the world through modern mass media is generally considered to be one of the major developments underpinning globalizat...
This important book considers anew the globalization phenomenon in the media sphere. Rather than heralding globalization or warning of its dangers, as in many other books, Kai Hafez analyzes the degree to which media globalization is really taking place.
This important book considers anew the globalization phenomenon in the media sphere. Rather than heralding globalization or warning of its dangers, as...
Ever since the events of 9/11, great attention has been paid to Arab mass media by politicians, experts and journalists around the world. Many have argued that Arab media has been the catalyst for various political and social developments ranging from democracy to political radicalization and from Westernization to Arab and Muslim cultural renaissance. Much of the debate, however, has been too narrowly focused-particularly on the famous TV network al-Jazeera. This leaves the majority of the dynamic Arab media unnoticed. Moreover, the existing scholarly literature on the subject often lacks...
Ever since the events of 9/11, great attention has been paid to Arab mass media by politicians, experts and journalists around the world. Many have...
Over the last decade, political Islam has been denounced in the Western media and in the surrounding literature as a terrorist or fascist movement that is entirely at odds with Western democratic ideology. Kai Hafez s book overturns these arguments, contending that, despite its excesses, as a radical form of political opposition the movement plays a central role in the processes of democratization and modernization, and that these processes have direct parallels in the history and politics of the West. By analyzing the evolution of Christian democratization through the upheavals of the...
Over the last decade, political Islam has been denounced in the Western media and in the surrounding literature as a terrorist or fascist movement tha...
Over the last decade, political Islam has been denounced in the Western media and in the surrounding literature as a terrorist or fascist movement that is entirely at odds with Western democratic ideology. Kai Hafez s book overturns these arguments, contending that, despite its excesses, as a radical form of political opposition the movement plays a central role in the processes of democratization and modernization, and that these processes have direct parallels in the history and politics of the West. By analyzing the evolution of Christian democratization through the upheavals of the...
Over the last decade, political Islam has been denounced in the Western media and in the surrounding literature as a terrorist or fascist movement tha...
Trotz aller erkennbarer Zeichen der "Globalisierung" ist das Feld der internationalen Kommunikation, ist die "Informationsgesellschaft" in den meisten Bereichen noch immer ein Nebenschauplatz der offentlichen Kommunikation. Ob Auslandsberichterstattung, Satellitenfernsehen, das Internet, Filmproduktion oder andere Gebiete der Medienproduktion und -nutzung: Die Medien werden weltweit noch immer in hohem Mass von lokalen, nationalen und regionalen Prozessen gepragt. Politische und okonomische Dimensionen eines "Weltmediensystems" existieren erst in Ansatzen. Im Bereich der Massenmedien ist die...
Trotz aller erkennbarer Zeichen der "Globalisierung" ist das Feld der internationalen Kommunikation, ist die "Informationsgesellschaft" in den meisten...
Islam in "Liberal" Europe provides the first comprehensive overview of the political and social status of Islam and of Muslim migrants in Europe. Kai Hafez shows that although legal and political systems have made progress toward recognizing Muslims on equal terms and eliminating discriminatory practices that are in contradiction to neutral secularism, "liberal societies" often lag behind. The author argues that Islamophobic murders in Norway and Germany are only the tip of the iceberg of a deep-seated inability of many Europeans to accept cultural globalization when it hits close to home....
Islam in "Liberal" Europe provides the first comprehensive overview of the political and social status of Islam and of Muslim migrants in Europe. Kai ...