To solve a crystal structure means to determine the precise spatial arrangements of all of the atoms in a chemical compound in the crystalline state. This knowledge gives a chemist access to a large range of information, including connectivity, conformation, and accurate bond lengths and angles. In addition, it implies the stoichiometry, the density, the symmetry and the three dimensional packing of the atoms in the solid. Since interatomic distances are in the region of100-300 pm or 1-3 A, 1 microscopy using visible light (wavelength A ca. 300-700 nm) is not applicable (Fig. l. l). In 1912,...
To solve a crystal structure means to determine the precise spatial arrangements of all of the atoms in a chemical compound in the crystalline state. ...
To solve a crystal structure means to determine the precise spatial arrangements of all of the atoms in a chemical compound in the crystalline state. This knowledge gives a chemist access to a large range of information, including connectivity, conformation, and accurate bond lengths and angles. In addition, it implies the stoichiometry, the density, the symmetry and the three dimensional packing of the atoms in the solid. Since interatomic distances are in the region of100-300 pm or 1-3 A, 1 microscopy using visible light (wavelength A ca. 300-700 nm) is not applicable (Fig. l. l). In 1912,...
To solve a crystal structure means to determine the precise spatial arrangements of all of the atoms in a chemical compound in the crystalline state. ...
Wahrend der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich dank der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Vierkreis-Diffraktometern und der enormen Steigerung der Computerlei stung die Methode der Kristallstrukturbestimmung mittels Rontgenbeugung lawinenartig ausgebreitet. Wegen ihrer hohen Aussagekraft und Genauigkeit ist sie zu einem der wichtigsten Werkzeuge in der chemischen Grundlagenfor schung geworden, in der anorganischen wie der organischen Chemie. Obwohl die Kristallographie in der Ausbildung der Chemiestudenten noch immer eine sehr untergeordnete Rolle spielt, sind viele davon gehalten, wahrend ihrer Diplom-oder...
Wahrend der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich dank der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Vierkreis-Diffraktometern und der enormen Steigerung der Computerlei stung ...