New trends in solid-phase extraction for analytical use-a practical introduction. Owing to its low cost, ease of use, and nonpolluting means of preparing samples for analysis, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is fast overtaking traditional liquid-liquid methods in clinical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial applications. This book describes what analytical scientists and technicians need to know about this emerging procedure: how it works, how to choose from available techniques, how to utilize it effectively in the laboratory. Along with the historical perspective and...
New trends in solid-phase extraction for analytical use-a practical introduction. Owing to its low cost, ease of use, and nonpolluting means of ...
"Contains most of the invited papers of the Second Colloquium and Workshop on 'Random Fields: Rigorous Results in Statistical Mechanics' held in K'oszeg, Hungary between August 26 and September 1, 1984"--Pref.
"Contains most of the invited papers of the Second Colloquium and Workshop on 'Random Fields: Rigorous Results in Statistical Mechanics' held in K'osz...