Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning: Methods and Applications presents new developments and applications in the area of Computational Intelligence, which essentially describes methods and approaches that mimic biologically intelligent behavior in order to solve problems that have been difficult to solve by classical mathematics. Generally Fuzzy Technology, Artificial Neural Nets and Evolutionary Computing are considered to be such approaches.
The Editors have assembled new contributions in the areas of fuzzy sets, neural sets and machine learning, as...
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning: Methods and Applications presents new developments and applications in the ar...
Since the late 1980s, a large number of very user-friendly tools for fuzzy control, fuzzy expert systems, and fuzzy data analysis have emerged. This has changed the character of this area and started the area of fuzzy technology'. The next large step in the development occurred in 1992 when almost independently in Europe, Japan and the USA, the three areas of fuzzy technology, artificial neural nets and genetic algorithms joined forces under the title of computational intelligence' or soft computing'. The synergies which were possible between these three areas have been exploited very...
Since the late 1980s, a large number of very user-friendly tools for fuzzy control, fuzzy expert systems, and fuzzy data analysis have emerged. This h...
Andre Jones Hans-Jurgen Zimmermann Arnold Kaufmann
Problems in decision making and in other areas such as pattern recogni- tion, control, structural engineering etc. involve numerous aspects of uncertainty. Additional vagueness is introduced as models become more complex but not necessarily more meaningful by the added details. During the last two decades one has become more and more aware of the fact that not all this uncertainty is of stochastic (random) cha- racter and that, therefore, it can not be modelled appropriately by probability theory. This becomes the more obvious the more we want to represent formally human knowledge. As far as...
Problems in decision making and in other areas such as pattern recogni- tion, control, structural engineering etc. involve numerous aspects of uncerta...
In diesem Buch finden Sie die Brücke zwischen klassischem Operations Research und den modernen Gebieten der Heuristik und der Theorie unscharfer Mengen. Klassische und moderne Verfahren und Modelle der Unternehmensforschung sinddidaktisch geschickt dargestellt. Das Buch ist entscheidungs- und EDV-orientiert. Mit besonderen Kapiteln über Heuristiken, ganzzahlige Programmierung und die Modellierung schlecht strukturierter Systeme dient es Ihnen als modernes Lehr- und Nachschlagewerk.In der Nachauflage wurde der Text durchgesehen und an einigen Stellen verbessert.
In diesem Buch finden Sie die Brücke zwischen klassischem Operations Research und den modernen Gebieten der Heuristik und der Theorie unscharfer Meng...
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning: Methods and Applications presents new developments and applications in the area of Computational Intelligence, which essentially describes methods and approaches that mimic biologically intelligent behavior in order to solve problems that have been difficult to solve by classical mathematics. Generally Fuzzy Technology, Artificial Neural Nets and Evolutionary Computing are considered to be such approaches.
The Editors have assembled new contributions in the areas of fuzzy sets, neural sets and machine learning, as...
Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning: Methods and Applications presents new developments and applications in the ar...
Since the late 1980s, a large number of very user-friendly tools for fuzzy control, fuzzy expert systems, and fuzzy data analysis have emerged. This has changed the character of this area and started the area of fuzzy technology'. The next large step in the development occurred in 1992 when almost independently in Europe, Japan and the USA, the three areas of fuzzy technology, artificial neural nets and genetic algorithms joined forces under the title of computational intelligence' or soft computing'. The synergies which were possible between these three areas have been exploited very...
Since the late 1980s, a large number of very user-friendly tools for fuzzy control, fuzzy expert systems, and fuzzy data analysis have emerged. This h...
Probleme, Modelle, Algorithmen Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Autoren siehe z. B. Boothroyd 1978, S. 110, Muller Merbach 1979, Checkland 1983] vertreten die Auffassung, dass es zwei verschiedene Begriffe des Operations Research (OR) gibt: Ein Operations Research aus der Sicht des Praktikers und eins aus der Sicht des Mathematikers. Wahrend das OR aus der Sicht des Praktikers "die modellgestutzte Vorbereitung von Entscheidungen zur Gestaltung und Lenkung von Mensch-Maschine-Systemen zur Aufgabe hat" Muller Merbach 1979, S. 295], sieht der Mathematiker das OR "als Teilgebiet der ange wandten...
Probleme, Modelle, Algorithmen Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Autoren siehe z. B. Boothroyd 1978, S. 110, Muller Merbach 1979, Checkland 1983] vertreten ...
Auf dem Gebiet der Planung und Kontrolle von Projektabliiufen sind im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte entscheidende Fortschritte erzielt worden. Der verstarkte Einsatz neuer Planungsmethoden und -instrumente ist nicht zuletzt dadurch bedingt, daB die zu li: isenden Aufgaben beziiglich ihres Umfanges und ihrer Komplexitat stan dig zu nehmen, daB infolge des verscharften Wettbewerbes die Zeitspanne zwischen Idee, Konzeption und Realisation verkiirzt wird und daB auf Grund des Einsatzes moderner Datenverarbeitungsanlagen die Anwendung neuer Verfahren bei der Planung von GroB projekten erst...
Auf dem Gebiet der Planung und Kontrolle von Projektabliiufen sind im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte entscheidende Fortschritte erzielt worden. Der ve...
In the two decades since its inception by L. Zadeh, the theory of fuzzy sets has matured into a wide-ranging collection of concepts, models, and tech niques for dealing with complex phenomena which do not lend themselves to analysis by classical methods based on probability theory and bivalent logic. Nevertheless, a question which is frequently raised by the skeptics is: Are there, in fact, any significant problem areas in which the use of the theory of fuzzy sets leads to results which could not be obtained by classical methods? The approximately 5000 publications in this area, which are...
In the two decades since its inception by L. Zadeh, the theory of fuzzy sets has matured into a wide-ranging collection of concepts, models, and tech ...