Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications introduces a wide spectrum of collaborative engineering issues in design and manufacturing. It offers state-of-the-art chapters written by international experts from academia and industry, and reflects the most up-to-date R & D work and applications, especially those from the last three to five years. The book will serve as an essential reference for academics, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students and practicing professionals.
Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications introduces a wide spectrum of collaborative engineering issues in des...
The process of producing components to final net-shapes is fast becoming a desirable goal for metal working industries. This is due to a combination of factors such as the development of new materials and escalating energy costs. This book addresses the design, analysis and simulation of near net-shape operations using some of the most advanced computer techniques and tools available. Topics covered include: sheet metal forming operations: progressive stamping, fine blanking, nesting, flat pattering, bending and nibbling; die design, construction and NC programming of wire EDM; bulk metal...
The process of producing components to final net-shapes is fast becoming a desirable goal for metal working industries. This is due to a combination o...
Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are increasingly being used in manufacturing processes. These use real and simulated objects to create a simulated environment that can be used to enhance the design and manufacturing processes.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Applicationsin Manufacturing is written by experts from the world s leading institutions working in virtual manufacturing and gives the state of the art of the field.
- Chapters covering the state of the art in VR and AR technology and how...
Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are increasingly being used in manufacturing processes. These use real and simulated objects t...
With the rapid advances in computing and Internet technologies, an integrated and collaborative environment, which is based on the complementary functions of concurrent engineering and Internet-based collaborative engineering, is imperative for companies to facilitate and expedite the product realization processes. Topics such as concurrent and collaborative engineering, feature-based design and manufacturing, evolutionary computational techniques such as Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms features, intelligent and computer-aided process planning are important strategies and...
With the rapid advances in computing and Internet technologies, an integrated and collaborative environment, which is based on the complementary funct...
Efficient management of product information is vital for manufacturing enterprises in this information age. Considering the proliferation of product information, tight production schedules, and intense market competition, human intelligence alone cannot meet the requirements of efficient product development. Technologies and tools that support information management are urgently needed. This volume presents the design reuse methodology to support product development. Significant efforts have been made to create an intelligent and optimal design environment by incorporating the contemporary...
Efficient management of product information is vital for manufacturing enterprises in this information age. Considering the proliferation of product i...
Collaborative design has attracted much attention in the research community in recent years. With increasingly decentralized manufacturing systems and processes, more collaborative approaches and systems are needed to support distributed manufacturing operations. "Collaborative Design and Planning for Digital Manufacturing" presents a focused collection of quality chapters on the state-of-the-art research efforts in the area of collaborative design and planning, as well as their practical applications towards digital manufacturing.
"Collaborative Design and Planning for Digital...
Collaborative design has attracted much attention in the research community in recent years. With increasingly decentralized manufacturing systems ...
The globalisation of manufacturing has led to a need for a common language which can be used throughout the entire product development life cycle. Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP discusses the most successful of the proposed solutions the Standard for Exchange of Product model, or STEP. STEP aims to provide a complete computer-interpretable product data format, so that users can integrate business and technical data to support all aspects of the product development cycle, e.g., design, analysis, manufacturing, sales and customer services. Of particular significance is the...
The globalisation of manufacturing has led to a need for a common language which can be used throughout the entire product development life cycle. ...
This edited volume presents the proceedings of the 20th CIRP LCE Conference, which cover various areas in life cycle engineering such as life cycle design, end-of-life management, manufacturing processes, manufacturing systems, methods and tools for sustainability, social sustainability, supply chain management, remanufacturing, etc.
This edited volume presents the proceedings of the 20th CIRP LCE Conference, which cover various areas in life cycle engineering such as life cycle de...
Having edited "Journal of Materials Processing Technology" (previously entitled "Journal of Mechanical Working Technology") for close on 25 years, I have seen the many dramatic changes that have occurred in the materials processing field. Long gone are the days when the only "materials processing" carried out was virtually the forming of conventional metals and alloys, and when the development of a new product or process in a great number of cases called for several months of repetitive trial-and-error, ' with many (mostly intuition- or experience-based) expensive and time-consuming...
Having edited "Journal of Materials Processing Technology" (previously entitled "Journal of Mechanical Working Technology") for close on 25 years, I h...