The architecture of the human language faculty has been one of the main foci of the linguistic research of the last half century. This branch of linguistics, broadly known as Generative Grammar, is concerned with the formulation of explanatory formal accounts of linguistic phenomena with the ulterior goal of gaining insight into the properties of the 'language organ'. The series comprises high quality monographs and collected volumes that address such issues. The topics in this series range from phonology to semantics, from syntax to information structure, from mathematical linguistics to...
The architecture of the human language faculty has been one of the main foci of the linguistic research of the last half century. This branch of li...
Le present ouvrage se propose d analyser la demarche des surrealistes bruxellois Paul Nouge et Rene Magritte, qui consiste en la creation d - objets bouleversants -. Cette notion capitale de la pensee, de l ecriture et de l action de Paul Nouge se trouva egalement au c ur de l eshetique de Magritte devenu surrealiste. Il s appuie sur des textes theoriques de Nouge, mais aussi sur de nombreux textes de Magritte et sur la riche correspondance qu ils ont entretenue afin de surprendre la facon dont les objets les plus banals le plus souvent sont censes provoquer une sensation chez le...
Le present ouvrage se propose d analyser la demarche des surrealistes bruxellois Paul Nouge et Rene Magritte, qui consiste en la creation d - objets b...