This volume aims at cultivating and enlightening our philanthropic imagination. It addresses us all as present and future philanthropists, as human beings who give, serve, and seek to promote the well being of others. It suggests that we are continually confronted with choices about giving, and offers a collection of writings intended to help us reflect more seriously on these choices, and to make philanthropic acts, when they are undertaken, more meaningful.
The readings contained in The Philanthropic Imagination come from a variety of cultures, time periods, and genres. They...
This volume aims at cultivating and enlightening our philanthropic imagination. It addresses us all as present and future philanthropists, as human...
Despite current concerns for -family values- and the dissolution of marriages, Amy A. and Leon R. Kass see very little attention being paid to what makes for marital success. They argue there are no longer socially prescribed forms of conduct that help guide young men and women in the direction of matrimony; the very concepts of -wooing- and -courting- seem archaic. Yet they see major discontent with the present situation and detect among their students certain longings--for friendship, for wholeness, for a life that is serious and deep, and for associations that are trustworthy and...
Despite current concerns for -family values- and the dissolution of marriages, Amy A. and Leon R. Kass see very little attention being paid to what ma...
This anthology explores the enterprise of philanthropy assumptions, aspirations, and achievements. It brings together key texts that can provide guidance to current and prospective donors, trustees and professional staff of foundations, and leaders of nonprofit organizations. Organized thematically, these texts seek to illuminate fundamental questions about the idea and practice of philanthropy, to promote more thoughtful discussion about practical issues facing the philanthropic sector, and to point a way toward a philanthropic practice that is more responsible, more effective, and more...
This anthology explores the enterprise of philanthropy assumptions, aspirations, and achievements. It brings together key texts that can provide gu...
Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: Courting and Marrying is an anthology of source readings offered as a response to the contemporary cultural silence surrounding love that leads to marriage. It addresses important questions that emerge not from theory, but from practice: Why marry? Is this love? How can I find and win the right one to marry? What about sex? Why a wedding and the promises of marriage? What can married life be like? Using readings taken mainly from classic texts of Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Aquinas, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Rousseau, Austen, Tolstoy, C.S. Lewis, Miss Manners, and many...
Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: Courting and Marrying is an anthology of source readings offered as a response to the contemporary cultural silence surround...