Outcomes of legislative elections are typically reported in terms of party support: how many votes and seats were obtained by each party? But in fact voters are faced with three choices which must be folded into one. They must decide which party they prefer, but in so doing they must take account of the policies advocated by these parties and the leaders who will eventually have to enact them. This simple fact raises question about the relative weight of these considerations, and espeically the importance granted to the leaders. This issue has been largely neglected in the vast literature...
Outcomes of legislative elections are typically reported in terms of party support: how many votes and seats were obtained by each party? But in fact ...
This book reflects on the questions raised by the European Election Study 2004 whose analytical focus was on the legitimacy of EU politics after Eastern enlargement. It also assesses the dynamics and the contents of the campaign, on the determinants of the extremely low turnout in the new countries, and on the reasons of voter choice in West and East. The book also examines the first European Parliament election after the post-communist countries of Eastern Europe joined the European Union. The central question is: what has changed? Are the voters in the new member countries different and if...
This book reflects on the questions raised by the European Election Study 2004 whose analytical focus was on the legitimacy of EU politics after Easte...
Vergegenwlirtigt man sich, was die westdeutsche Parteienforschung in den vergangenen fiinf, sechs Jahren an gro13eren Buchpublikationen zur Dis- kussion gestellt hat, so Hi13t sich schwerlich dem Verdacht begegnen, sie be- schaftige sich eher mit sich seiber als mit der Realitlit unserer politischen Parteien. Dies ist nicht nur kritisch gemeint, haben doch Systematisierungs- versuche und Ortsbestimmungen ala Wiesendahl (1980), Doring (1981), Steininger (1982), Sto13 (1983) oder Mintzel (1984) ihren eigenen hoh n Wert. Und es ist auch nicht die ganze Wahrheit, denkt man nur etwa an die Reader...
Vergegenwlirtigt man sich, was die westdeutsche Parteienforschung in den vergangenen fiinf, sechs Jahren an gro13eren Buchpublikationen zur Dis- kussi...
Direkte Wahlen zum Europaischen Parlament sind ein relativ junges Pflanzchen im Garten der europaischen Politik. Entsprechend jung ist die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen. Der vorliegende Band versammelt bundesrepu blikanische und international-vergleichende Analysen aus Anlass der dritten Di rektwahl des Europaischen Parlamentes vom Juni 1989. Die Einfuhrung dazu ist vielleicht der rechte Ort, um nach den Gegenstanden und nach dem Nutzen der Europawahlforschung zu fragen. Europawahlforschung, wie die Wahlforschung uberhaupt, beschaftigt sich mit sehr unterschiedlichen...
Direkte Wahlen zum Europaischen Parlament sind ein relativ junges Pflanzchen im Garten der europaischen Politik. Entsprechend jung ist die wissenschaf...
Southern Europe has been the EU region most exposed to the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis with consequences for national party systems and political stability. The 2014 European Parliament elections took place at a crucial time for Europe and Southern European societies more generally. This book analyses the Euroelections in Southern Europe, asking whether these followed the usual pattern of low-stimulus contests or whether the crisis context raised the bar. Country chapters on Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta investigate the background of the elections, the electoral...
Southern Europe has been the EU region most exposed to the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis with consequences for national party systems and politica...