Coordination of land use and transport is one of the most important issues in urban planning from the viewpoint of transport infrastructure supply and amenity in urban space. There has been, therefore, much research conducted in the fields of empirical analysis and theoretical and mathematical modelling of the mechanisms of land use-transport interaction. The members of the Transport and Land Use SIG (Special Interest Group) of the WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society) have conducted extensive research in these fields. Leading on from the activities of ISGLUTI (International...
Coordination of land use and transport is one of the most important issues in urban planning from the viewpoint of transport infrastructure supply and...
Transportation contributes to roughly a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, and as a growing sector of the economy, its contribution to climate change, if remained unchanged, could even grow. This is particularly true in the developing world, where the growth rates of air and ship transport are expected to exceed those of the EU, and worldwide objectives to curb greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 by sixty to eighty percent could be placed in serious jeopardy. This book addresses the key issues of controlling transportation growth and identifying and implementing measures that would...
Transportation contributes to roughly a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, and as a growing sector of the economy, its contribution to climate chan...
Coordination of land use and transport is one of the most important issues in urban planning from the viewpoint of transport infrastructure supply and amenity in urban space. There has been, therefore, much research conducted in the fields of empirical analysis and theoretical and mathematical modelling of the mechanisms of land use-transport interaction. The members of the Transport and Land Use SIG (Special Interest Group) of the WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society) have conducted extensive research in these fields. Leading on from the activities of ISGLUTI (International...
Coordination of land use and transport is one of the most important issues in urban planning from the viewpoint of transport infrastructure supply and...
Transportation contributes to roughly a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, and as a growing sector of the economy, its contribution to climate change, if remained unchanged, could even grow. This is particularly true in the developing world, where the growth rates of air and ship transport are expected to exceed those of the EU, and worldwide objectives to curb greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 by sixty to eighty percent could be placed in serious jeopardy. This book addresses the key issues of controlling transportation growth and identifying and implementing measures that would...
Transportation contributes to roughly a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, and as a growing sector of the economy, its contribution to climate chan...
While intercity passenger transport counts for about 2% of the total passenger transport volume the share of the total passenger kilometers traveled is estimated more than one third. In many countries the major part of intercity transport is performed by car and air and as a result, the contribution to the carbon footprint is substantially higher than the share of overall passenger transport performance. This creates a challenge to develop a sustainable organization of intercity transport which requires a true joint effort of policy makers, industry sectors and households. This presupposes...
While intercity passenger transport counts for about 2% of the total passenger transport volume the share of the total passenger kilometers traveled i...
This book is an outcome of the symposium "Towards Earth Friendly Use of Resources and Energy," organized by the Nagoya University Center of Excellence Program "From Earth System Science to Basic and Clinical Environmental Studies" and presents papers by four eminent researchers. 1) Syukuro Manabe, who was honored in 2008 by the Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto, together with Ms. Maathai and Ms. Brundtland, describes the mechanisms of extreme weather, drought, and flood that were caused by climate change due to CO2 emissions. 2) Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker, co-chair of the Club of Rome,...
This book is an outcome of the symposium "Towards Earth Friendly Use of Resources and Energy," organized by the Nagoya University Center of Excellence...
While intercity passenger transport counts for about 2% of the total passenger transport volume the share of the total passenger kilometers traveled is estimated more than one third.
While intercity passenger transport counts for about 2% of the total passenger transport volume the share of the total passenger kilometers traveled i...