During the 1930s, the first Looney Tunes*r series debuted at movie theatres as part of Warner Brothers Vitaphone Shorts. This classic series achieved overnight success for its brilliant animation and pre-recorded sound. It proved to be the perfect diversion for audiences looking to escape the harsh realities of the Depression Era. At the start of World War II, Bugs Bunny*t was introduced. His patriotic character instantly became an American icon. Even after almost 70 years, the Looney Tunes*t characters still dominate the limelight. As American classics, they have inspired literally thousands...
During the 1930s, the first Looney Tunes*r series debuted at movie theatres as part of Warner Brothers Vitaphone Shorts. This classic series achieved ...
Explore the collectible world of angels. For thousand of years people have believed that angels are spiritual entities that can channel God's messages through voices (verbal or intuitive), dreams, and visions. From the Bible to the movie It's A Wonderful Life, angels have been portrayed as guarding and helping human beings in their worldly lives. These divine hosts have inspired great artists through the ages and have spawned countless pieces of memorabilia. A brief overview of "Angelology" begins this book of antique-to-modern angel collectibles, including statues, perfume bottles, Christmas...
Explore the collectible world of angels. For thousand of years people have believed that angels are spiritual entities that can channel God's messages...