Digital PR thought leader Ariel Hyatt's Cyber PR for Musicians is an accessible, effective, and empowering guide to online marketing success. In her 18 years in PR, Ariel Hyatt has changed the landscape of how musicians build a successful marketable profile. With her latest book, Cyber PR for Musicians: Tools, Tricks, And Tactics For Building Your Social Media House, she reveals her trade secrets in an accessible and warmly written guide. Ariel's approach is centered around demystifying and harnessing the full potential of social media. In Cyber PR for Musicians, she cleverly uses the...
Digital PR thought leader Ariel Hyatt's Cyber PR for Musicians is an accessible, effective, and empowering guide to online marketing success. In her 1...
(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). Featuring the latest music business and social media concepts as well as brand-new interviews with a variety of the industry's top movers and shakers, Music 4.0: A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age is a completely updated version of the previous best-selling editions How has streaming music impacted the artist and the industry? Who are the new industry players? Why do traditional record labels, television, and radio have increasingly less influence in an artist's success? How should music be marketed and distributed in this new world? How do...
(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). Featuring the latest music business and social media concepts as well as brand-new interviews with a variety of the in...
(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). Today's music industry is constantly changing at a dizzying pace, and this Music 4.1: A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age is fully equipped to help you navigate it. Written for artists overwhelmed by the seemingly endless options of the quickly evolving Internet, this is the only book that offers a comprehensive strategy for online success. In Music 4.1, Bobby Owsinski includes an in-depth look at the economics of streaming music, with the real information about royalties that distributors and record labels don't want you to know and that...
(Music Pro Guide Books & DVDs). Today's music industry is constantly changing at a dizzying pace, and this Music 4.1: A Survival Guide for Making Musi...