The importance of empirical economics and econometric methods has greatly in- creased during the last 20 years due to the availability of better data and the improved performance of computers. In an information-driven society such as ours we need quickly to obtain complete and convincing statistical results. This is only possible if the appropriate econometric methods are applied. Traditional econometric analysis concentrates on classical methods which are far from suitable for handling actual economic problems. They can only be used as a starting point for students to learn basic...
The importance of empirical economics and econometric methods has greatly in- creased during the last 20 years due to the availability of better data ...
The importance of empirical economics and econometric methods has greatly in- creased during the last 20 years due to the availability of better data and the improved performance of computers. In an information-driven society such as ours we need quickly to obtain complete and convincing statistical results. This is only possible if the appropriate econometric methods are applied. Traditional econometric analysis concentrates on classical methods which are far from suitable for handling actual economic problems. They can only be used as a starting point for students to learn basic...
The importance of empirical economics and econometric methods has greatly in- creased during the last 20 years due to the availability of better data ...
Fur die Beurteilung umweltpolitischer Massnahmen mussen neben dem Grad der Zielerreichung auch die Effekte im okonomischen und okologisch-technischen Gesamtsystem prognostiziert werden. Dazu haben sich disaggregierte makrookonometrische Modelle als besonders nutzlich erwiesen. In einem vom Umweltbundesamt initiierten Projekt wurden erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum zwei verschiedene Modelle parallel benutzt. Die Zuverlassigkeit wurde dadurch erheblich verbessert. Das Modell PANTA RHEI der GWS (Osnabruck) und der Modellverbund des RWI (Essen) wurden um die Umweltbereiche Wasser, Klima, Luft...
Fur die Beurteilung umweltpolitischer Massnahmen mussen neben dem Grad der Zielerreichung auch die Effekte im okonomischen und okologisch-technischen ...