This volume contains selected papers presented at the International Conference on Operations Research SOR 2002 held at the University of Klagenfurt from Sep tember 2 to September 5, 2002. The conference was organized under the auspices of the German, the Swiss and the Austrian Operations Research societies - Gesellschaft fiir Operations Research e.V. (GOR) - Schweizerische Vereinigung fiirOperations Research (SVOR) - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fiirOperations Research (OGOR). After Vienna (1990), Berlin (1994) and Ziirich (1998) this has been the fourth time that the three societies...
This volume contains selected papers presented at the International Conference on Operations Research SOR 2002 held at the University of Klagenfurt fr...
Das Lehrbuch vermittelt die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsmathematik. Dafur behandeln die Autoren Lineare Algebra, Analysis und Optimierung sowohl grundsatzlich als auch in der Anwendung auf okonomische Fragestellungen, die Stochastik bleibt ausgeklammert. In der Darstellung wird auf mathematische Prazision Wert gelegt, ohne sie uberzustrapazieren. Beispiele dienen dem Verstandnis der Methodik und der wirtschaftlicher Fragestellungen. Das Buch erscheint in der 5., uberarbeiteten und erganzten Auflage und ist speziell fur Studienanfanger gestaltet.
Das Lehrbuch vermittelt die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsmathematik. Dafur behandeln die Autoren Lineare Algebra, Analysis und Optimierung sowohl grundsa...
Franz Ferschl is seventy. According to his birth certificate it is true, but it is unbelievable. Two of the three editors remembers very well the Golden Age of Operations Research at Bonn when Franz Ferschl worked together with Wilhelm Krelle, Martin Beckmann and Horst Albach. The importance of this fruitful cooperation is reflected by the fact that half of the contributors to this book were strongly influenced by Franz Ferschl and his colleagues at the University of Bonn. Clearly, Franz Ferschl left his traces at all the other places of his professional activities, in Vienna and Munich. This...
Franz Ferschl is seventy. According to his birth certificate it is true, but it is unbelievable. Two of the three editors remembers very well the Gold...
Considers Silverman games, games which within certain bounds the player with the larger number wins, but loses if it is too much larger than the other player. The games model various bidding or spending situations governed by rules of this nature.
Considers Silverman games, games which within certain bounds the player with the larger number wins, but loses if it is too much larger than the other...
The book presents a broad view on the nature of intelligent decision-making which is characterized by the use of models and methods in the framework of decision support for management. Contributions to this volume dedicated to Paul Stahly on the occasion of his 65th birthday include theoretical research and applications in optimization, operations research as well as decision support and management systems."
The book presents a broad view on the nature of intelligent decision-making which is characterized by the use of models and methods in the framework o...