Whether searching for the beloved or translating dreams and memory into bearable parables, the speakers of Tessa Rumsey's poems cannot escape their endless longing. Will this uncontainable desire lead to the possession of the other, or to the dissolution of the self? Such are the book's ethical, cultural, and spiritual imperatives.
Whether searching for the beloved or translating dreams and memory into bearable parables, the speakers of Tessa Rumsey's poems cannot escape their en...
Driven by an endless matrix of poetic forms, the poems of "Assembling the Shepherd" create a world where allusions to Plato and the Dead Sea scrolls intermingle with car culture and terrorism, where modern skylines are framed within the history of alchemy and architecture. Tessa Rumsey uses words in ways that defy summary and synonym in poetry that challenges the boundaries of common dualities--city and desert, heaven and earth, waking and dreaming, violence and harmony, destruction and regeneration, recollecting and forecasting. She attempts to move beyond these natural contrasts in her...
Driven by an endless matrix of poetic forms, the poems of "Assembling the Shepherd" create a world where allusions to Plato and the Dead Sea scroll...