Robert Lindner's 1944 classic "Rebel Without a Cause" follows the successful analysis and hypnosis of a criminal psychopath, Harold. In full transcriptions of their forty-six sessions, Lindner takes his patient into the depths and recesses of his childhood memories. Plumbing the free-associative monologues for clues to unlock the causes of Harold's criminal behavior, Lindner portrays a man cut off from himself and unable to attach himself to others. Lindner reveals to Harold long-hidden incidents from his infancy and childhood that served to propel him toward a troubled and chaotic...
Robert Lindner's 1944 classic "Rebel Without a Cause" follows the successful analysis and hypnosis of a criminal psychopath, Harold. In full transcrip...
A fascinating mixture of traditional psychoanalytic thinking with clinical strategies that even today would be considered creative and controversial, The Fifty-Minute Hour has never failed to capture the imagination. . . . No student s education in psychotherapy is complete without reading this book. Decades after its original publication, it still stands as a pioneering landmark in the history of psychotherapy. -John Suler"
A fascinating mixture of traditional psychoanalytic thinking with clinical strategies that even today would be considered creative and controversial, ...