Where do we find the first flowerings of the cult of the Virgin Mary, which grew into such a great tree of many branches in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity throughout the medieval and on into the modern period? Do we see signs of Marian devotion in the Catacombs? When did Christians initially begin to see Mary as the object of prayers, hymns and visionary experiences? How much did they borrow ideas and practices from Pagan Goddess worship?
In this book, a group of scholars associated with the Centre for Marian Studies share their most recent research on these questions. They have...
Where do we find the first flowerings of the cult of the Virgin Mary, which grew into such a great tree of many branches in Catholic and Orthodox Chri...
To understand the cult of the Virgin Mary is to understand the Christian relgion. The Virgin Mary is a ubiquitous but enigmatic presence in Christian history and culture. The tradition about Mary forms a vast and multi-layered aspect of Western history, culture and spirituality. It is not just in the Catholic tradition that Mary has become a particular focus of study and interest. Mary has also become a crucial interest for Christians outside this tradition (Protestant, Anglican) as a path to ecumenical understanding.This book is intended as a reference book for the student or scholar seeking...
To understand the cult of the Virgin Mary is to understand the Christian relgion. The Virgin Mary is a ubiquitous but enigmatic presence in Christian ...